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Hi everybody, We are planning a trip via Prague to Auschwitz in September. Does anybody know of campsites or parking places near Auschwitz or any other information about the area you think we ought to know?
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(>) Best place to park and camp is the Dialogue and Prayer Centre. They have plenty of camping places for MH in main car park with EH and excellent showers. Short walk to main camp entrance. To get the best from your visit -not depressing but very thought provoking- take the full tour which includes Auschwitz camp, Birknau camp, english speaking guide and bus between camps. Cost was £9 last year. Visit this website for more information.





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:-> We used caravan club camping book for sites in Czech and Poland. Most are acceptable Czech better than Poland but showering can be interesting! In Czech a place to visit is the Kutna Hora cathedral built from 80000 bones-very interesting and a 15 minute walk from the camp site camping Santa Barbara. The owner speaks perfect english never having been to GB!

Site at Frydek Mistek is beside a lake. We were only ones there and no one around but no problems.

For Brno stay at Camping Hana at Vevereska Bityska and take boat on lake then tram to Brno.

Oh and remember the Czech vignette at the border from the currency exchange hut

Tesco supermarkets are everywhere in both countries and open 24/7. The layouts are as GBand many GB products on sale.

For salt mines at Wieliczka Poland camp at Motel Camping Wierzynka who have a small CL type camp with showers. Spaek perfect english and a short walk to the town and mines. Owner will take you into Krakow and pick you up.

Enjoy the trip.


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Thanks again Passionwagon! Lots of useful info. Sent off to the Polish National Tourist Office in London for information, and received a large envelope with maps etc by return of post! They didn't mention the Prayer Centre at Auschwitz so we owe that to you.
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Some years ago I was in Poland and visited Auschwitz. I have to say that the atmosphere was really heavy and the evil that was done there can still be felt. I wouldn't have missed it for anything though, it really makes you take stock and shows that your own worries and troubles are really trivial.


I'm certain of one thing, I wouldn't have wanted to camp nearby, I was glad to leave and the visit cast a very thoughtful and sad spell over socializing for some time afterwards.

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