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We bought our first van about 6 weeks ago, not a new one, but a 1988 Elldis Autoquest 270 and as I have just been diagnosed with a lung desease I wanted to go and see a few things abroad. We bought a little trailer to put mt buggy in, my wife booked 3 weeks holiday and off we went. Our first mishap was on the M5 and a chap flagged me down to let me know that my jockey wheel had wound itself down, he said that he was a motorcaravaner as well, I thanked him and off we went. After a day in London we crossed over into France. We were feeling great and things were going well. We were going along the motorway, when a car full of French lads overtook us, then braked and pulled back and then overtook us again and then then pointed for us to pull in. I pulled over and when I went round the back of the van I was greeted by a bit more than a dropped jockey wheel. The trailers single tow bar had snapped and was just being held on by a small bit of metal. As I had joined the RAC the week before I wasn't worried until I tried to ring them, I rang the 0800 number, but couldn't get through ( I now know that you drop the first 0). Together with my wife we did laugh and jury rigged the trailer with bundgy straps, a rusty old pipe wrench and a cargo strap. This lasted for 3 days until we reached my mates near Cognac, where he welded it for me. Again we were having a great time and decided to take in a brocante, I was half way round when I collapsed and ambulance was called and i was carted off to Cognac hospital where I was admitted and tests done, i was in there for nearly a week and the gist is that they think that I had a pullmanry embolism. Thank goodness i was carring my ECIH, at 860 Euros per day we would have worried how to pay for it. After i was discharged we headed off down south and visited Blaye and Carcassonne and Andorra. I was very please our little 20 year old van copped and we have called her "scruffy" as she does look her age from the outside, but the inside is quite good. Overhaul we had about 40 little events, but has that put us off, no, on the contrary, we did caravaning for years and had we known what a lovely bunch of people motorcaravaners were, we would have done it years ago, it's just wonderful that vanners greet each other, both here and abroad and there is always a helping hand quite close if needed, so we have decided to do scruffy up and enjoy ourselves. i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that helped us on our trip. Thanks.

Steve & Terena


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Oh Steve What a time you had of it!


I am sorry to hear of your health problems too but hang on in there ... I won't give all that rubbish about thinking positively ..... I am sure just by living every day as normally as possible, that is positive as you can be. Your post is an inspiration. I don't know your health details but just to say that by rights I wasn't expecting to be here now but here I am mithering the life out of everybody about my motorhome.... daft as a brush .... and moaning when I need to ... laughing when I can .... Hope you have lots of fun on the road in the future ..... funny how all these mishaps when we look back we can smile about and at the time we feel like screaming. :-D As you say, there are some lovely people out there. Hugs to you both. Joy

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That brought a tear to my eye! How lovely to be reminded to look on the bright side of things. You can't get many things that are more valuable than a positive outlook, and you have plenty of it! Good luck with all the rest of your motorhoming.


We're new to it too. Having just bought our lovely new Autotrail Dakota, we're gearing up for our year-long trip round Europe, and your message has made me look forward to it - the adventures we'll have and the people we'll meet - even more!


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Steve and Terena

Our mishaps pale into insignificance compared to what you guys have experienced. I'd probably have given up at the third hurdle. Hope your next trip is full of happy events!


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Hi Steve & Terena,


You are truly an anspiration to the rest of us motorhomers. I only hope we get to meet you when we are out and about in our beloved MH. You have made our faulty alarm and battery charger problems of this week seem very, very insignificant - they were "major" this morning! :$


I am sure you will continue to enjoy your MH and hope that your health problems do not stop you spending a long time doing just that. Congratulations for dealing with all your "incidents" recently with such good humour - a great example to us all. B-)

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I would like to say thank you to all your kind words. We are hoping to use scruffy again in Aug/Sept and hopefully we would have sorted a few things out. We have decided already not to take the dreaded trailer. As you cannot see the trailer as it's so small, it's just one worry that we can do without. We will be heading North in this country this time and hope to spend some time ar Edbury Hill in Shropshire, we always like it there with our caravan as it's so peaceful there.



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yesmad - 2008-07-09 10:56 AM ...................... The trailers single tow bar had snapped and was just being held on by a small bit of metal. ........................, i was in there for nearly a week and the gist is that they think that I had a pullmanry embolism. ................ Steve & Terena

This post has been worrying away at me since I first read it, for two reasons.  One may annoy you, but I can't help that.  The other may, possibly, save your life.  At least that restores balance!

First, the bit about the trailer being unsound and Steve and Terena laughing about what had happened.  I know it's all told in a light hearted way, and yes, I do take things too seriously but, all the same!  Had the trailer, which can't have been given much attention before departure (loose jockey wheel), not been spotted by the very observant French lads and broken loose, what then?  The consequences of a trailer cartwheeling freely down an autoroute really don't bear thinking about.  And then jury rigging it with an old pipe wrench, bungy straps and a cargo strap, and continuing to drive with it in that state for a further three days!  How many warnings do you need?  I don't want to go all pious at you, but please let us know where and when you're going next, and I'll just try to be on another road!

Second, I'm not a doctor, and it is none of my business, but.....  You don't say, but presumably you visited your doctor on return, and told him about the embolism?  A blood clot on the lung can be fatal, and you may need to be put on anti-coagulants to prevent another.  The clots, I gather, often originate in the legs, and then detach to lodge in the blood vessels of the lungs, or brain.  They are, apparently, often associated with deep vein thrombosis, caused by sitting for long periods.  It is not just on aircraft that this condition arises.  That may be what caused your embolism since, while one is driving, one is inactive.  If you are susceptible, it may happen again so, if you have not already done this, might I suggest you consult your doctor, tell him you are motorhoming around Europe, and ask what additional precautions you should take.  If you suffer another, especially while driving, the consequences could be tragic.

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Hi Brian, thanks for you comments. With regards ti the trailer, with this type of triler small with nor brakes or saftey systems, being towed behind a MH, these trailers cannot be seen and anything can happen to them and you the tower wouldn't know it had happened. Yes we did laugh and when we did 'fix' it we did put a tow rope that if anything had happeded we would have known as one end was securely attached to the MH and the other was, put around a metal bar attached to the trailer. As i am a retired policeman I do look at the safety asspect and the legal aspect if you like.


I have just come back out from hospital yesterday, and I am going back today for another CT Scan where we are hoping that I have or hadn't had a PE. It's a good job that Terena drives as she is doing all the driving now until we know some results.


Brian, thanks for raising these points, it just goes to show, this could have happened to anyone, and it dosn't matter what you think you have planned for, there may always be that little event that you thought could never happen, let's face it, it's not going to happen to me is it!!


I really would have been gutted if I had spashed out on a nice modern MH and this had happened, but with scruffy, she has been money well spent and opened up a whole new world. When we first got her we took her onto Bodmin moor and Terena said lets have a nice cuppa and started to fill the electric kettle, I burst out laughing and asked her where she was going to plug it in, the penny dropped and the gas kettle came out. These little things make MHoming worth doing, remember folks life's to short, get out there and enjoy.


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Guest JudgeMental


I had two massive pulmonary embolism's following a knee operation in 2003 and consider myself very lucky to be alive......


I was put on anticoagulants for 6 months following this. Forgive me, but I am a bit surprised by your general cavalier attitude, but you will probably live till 110 because of it :-D

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yesmad - 2008-07-14 10:58 AM Hi Brian, thanks for you comments. With regards ti the trailer, with this type of triler small with nor brakes or saftey systems, being towed behind a MH, these trailers cannot be seen and anything can happen to them and you the tower wouldn't know it had happened. Yes we did laugh and when we did 'fix' it we did put a tow rope that if anything had happeded we would have known as one end was securely attached to the MH and the other was, put around a metal bar attached to the trailer. As i am a retired policeman I do look at the safety asspect and the legal aspect if you like. I have just come back out from hospital yesterday, and I am going back today for another CT Scan where we are hoping that I have or hadn't had a PE. It's a good job that Terena drives as she is doing all the driving now until we know some results. Brian, thanks for raising these points, it just goes to show, this could have happened to anyone, and it dosn't matter what you think you have planned for, there may always be that little event that you thought could never happen, let's face it, it's not going to happen to me is it!! I really would have been gutted if I had spashed out on a nice modern MH and this had happened, but with scruffy, she has been money well spent and opened up a whole new world. When we first got her we took her onto Bodmin moor and Terena said lets have a nice cuppa and started to fill the electric kettle, I burst out laughing and asked her where she was going to plug it in, the penny dropped and the gas kettle came out. These little things make MHoming worth doing, remember folks life's to short, get out there and enjoy.

Thanks Steve, and I'm glad your nose is still in joint!

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Hi Yesmad, have you thought of fitting a reversing camera to keep an eye on your trailer? Leave it switched on all the time, you can get one in Maplins for £99.99, easy to fit. You sound a bit like me, keep going just for spite. Have had a heart attack and several strokes. A little tip that can turn out useful, I carry a Personal Passport, I made up myself in a busines card wallet with all my medical history, next of kin info, Doctors particulars, medication list, NHS Number, Hospital number, nat: insurance number, etc. etc. and my donor card, comes in handy if taken ill anywhere. Best of luck, bugger what anyone says, just keep going!!!
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Ranger - 2008-07-14 4:50 PM


I carry a Personal Passport, I made up myself in a busines card wallet with all my medical history, next of kin info, Doctors particulars, medication list, NHS Number, Hospital number, nat: insurance number, etc. etc. and my donor card, comes in handy if taken ill anywhere. !


This is a brilliant idea. I have just got back from the hispital after a CT scan and I have not had a PE, which has pleased me no end.

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Hi Steve


That's great news! I hope you can now get on with enjoying yourself with Scruffy.


I go one further with carrying info about, I scan all our documents into the computer and put it on to SD cards, I put them in their small cases with 'important information - read in an emergency' on the outsideI then carry one around and so does my husband, that way if anything happens to us, either inside the van or out and about we always have the info with us.

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Guest JudgeMental


Thats good news, I thought it a bit funny that French hospital discharged you without any anti coagulants, not even advising you to take an aspirin.......

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Mel B - 2008-07-14 8:51 PM Hi Steve That's great news! I hope you can now get on with enjoying yourself with Scruffy. I go one further with carrying info about, I scan all our documents into the computer and put it on to SD cards, I put them in their small cases with 'important information - read in an emergency' on the outsideI then carry one around and so does my husband, that way if anything happens to us, either inside the van or out and about we always have the info with us.

Neat trick, Mel.

Glad the results were good, Steve.

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Hi Steve, Pleased to hear your scan showed no P.E. if you had one and it stops in the wrong place we know the probelems that could arise. Hope all goes well from now on, polish old Scruffy and let her roll and have fun. P.S. East Looe or West Looe????
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Ranger - 2008-07-17 9:39 PM


P.S. East Looe or West Looe??


Ranger, thank you for your kind words. People who live outside of Looe only see it as Looe, but in facts it's 2 two towns seperated by the river and there is some great competion between the two towns. There is a saying down here, which side do you live, the sunny side or the money side? We have lived here for 12 years and we still don't know, I think each side wants to say that they live on the money side.

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