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We're off tonight


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We picked up our 'van last November and have spent lots of great weekends away but finally tonight we're on the ferry from Dover for a 10 day stint to the Fench Alps. We've been to France for the past years with the kids to Eurocamp style holidays but now it's the first independant trip. The reason for this post is to thank everyone for their suggestions, advice and general positive attitude to newbies like me asking dumb questions that I'm sure have been asked hundreds of times before (the search facility doesn't always work).

Hopefully the weather will be a bit better in france but looking at the forecast i don't hold out much hope.

So it's with a mixture of excitement and trepidation I'say tanks once again and bye for now.


Rog :-D

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best of luck and have a great time. We came back from france last week and in the South it was 30 in the shade and my mate who lives over there has just emailed me to say that it is still roasting over there, so have a great time.



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Guest JudgeMental


And we are less then a week behind you for our month trip to Italy :-D


I have been monitoring the weather around lake Maggiore/Garda and it has been consistently in the early to mid 30's. Now it has dropped to a miserable 27 deg! should we cancel? lol


I tell you I need this break, as I have had a couple of very serious health scares in last the last few months. Fortunately recent tests have given me the "all clear" in the last few weeks..... so I need this holiday like no other! :-D

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Thanks for the wishes, especially the weather. Just waiting for my wife to come home from work and we're off, just remembered the bottle of 1983 vintage to open on the 16/7 as it's our silver wedding, where has the time gone.................... (?)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Got back earlier in the week and now catching up with stuff. had a fantastic time. the only minor mistake was my confusion at Calais, we were going to spend the night in the terminal car park but i totally missed it ( didn't realise you had to double back at the roundabout) and were on the motorway before i knew what was going on so spent the first night on a Motorway aire amongst other brits and we survived. Mind you i woke at every little sound, still the rest of the holiday was perfect (even the rain!)
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