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Radio reception in a Fiat


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I have a 2008 Hobby based on a Fiat Camper chassis. Reception on the Pioneer dashboard radio is extremely poor on FM and non-existent on AM. I think the problem is more likely to be the aerial than the radio. There is an aerial wire connected to the back of the radio but the quality of reception suggests that there may be nothing at the other end. There is no visible external aerial and nothing on the glass so I don't know what the van uses as an aerial, if anything.


Does anyone who owns a van on the same chassis type have any suggestions?

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The radio arial on the new Fiat is located in the nearside mirror it is on a PC board inside the mirror housing. The arial is masked by the body structure so The reception is not good at times. the only answer to the problem is to fit a new arial at a higher point if possible, or connect the radio to the status arial if you have one fitted.
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On my 2003 Fiat the aerial is situated at the top of the windscreen internally. When travelling, the reception would fade and I just turned it off eventually.


I bought a good quality extending aerial and positioned it on the off-side wing and the reception is excellent now.



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Had same difficulties on previous 03 Fiat and now on new Rapido. Took van to radio audio specialist who recommended a "Blaupunkt " windscreen aerial, model "Autofun" which sits at top left of screen, with fine wire stuck to glass down left side to conect to radio. This was to a Pioneer satnav/radio/dvd/cd player unit.

It works on AM, FM & LW.

Cost me £75 fitted. Worth it, especially when going abroad.

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Are you picking up English programmes then Wingpete? The radio in my Fiat seems to pick up French stations ok but that is all. What I really need travelling alone is a control for the radio on the steering wheel stork but haven't managed to find one yet.
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Thanks for your various contributions. I guess I need to fit a new aerial - outside. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way of getting the aerial feed out from the cab? The van is a low profile Hobby.
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Thanks for posting the report below only I have been searching for a aerial that can be mounted on the screen for a long while as my wing mounted rubber stick (thingie) is rubish, does the one you have need a sperate power supply to it and how does it perform in built up areas e.g traverling through main towns etc.


Thank you




Wingpete - 2008-07-12 4:19 PM


Had same difficulties on previous 03 Fiat and now on new Rapido. Took van to radio audio specialist who recommended a "Blaupunkt " windscreen aerial, model "Autofun" which sits at top left of screen, with fine wire stuck to glass down left side to conect to radio. This was to a Pioneer satnav/radio/dvd/cd player unit.

It works on AM, FM & LW.

Cost me £75 fitted. Worth it, especially when going abroad.

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On our previous motorhome (Rapido) it had one of these 'aeirals' on the inside of the windscreen - result: very poor reception.

Our new one (Burstner) has a 'proper' aerial mounted externally on the nearside windsrcreen pillar - result: excellent reception, and even got R4 on Long Wave pretty much to the south of France this year!

The only problem we find occarioanlly, is that as there is onyl one mounting attachment, and the aeiral is one of these 'flexible'ones,. it sometimes bangs against the pillar in certain windy driving conditions. We usually resolve this by setting it well 'out' from the body!

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Sorry for delayed answers. Just back from USA tour.

I am told that the mirror mounted aerial on new Fiats (and others) is not being fitted by converters as it contravene Fiat warranty ! My dealer has stockpile of new ones unable to be fitted due to this question.

The Blaupunkt one is powered from the radio itself, and it fitted to inside of screen by adhesive, on the aerial and along the wire.

I can now get radio 4 in France.


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