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Overnight in Calais

Keith T

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I'm sure the question has been asked before, and there are many of you out there who have the answer!!


We are thinking of going to France via Calais late evvening mid August, and whilst I'm aware there is a Camping Car Aire in Calais itself, guess this is likely to be full at the time we would arrive -probably around 11pm French time......


What about overnighting on the Harbour - is there anywhere suitable/available when coming off the ferry to rest overnight, so as to get a good start in the morning? Is there a charge for this, and is it easily located and safe?


We think this may be a better alternative than catching a ferry the next day,as I do not think there is anywhere suitable in Dover, other than campsites?!

Any ides welcomned. Thanks

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The carpark adjoining the ferry terminal is a well used overnight stop. Often quite crowded after late ferries but usually plenty of room. Only downside is that the carpark slopes. Easy to find it is on your left as you exit the terminal but you must go to next rounabout and come back as if you were going to board the ferry, at roundabout to enter terminal, take right exit to carpark. Well signed. Alternative is the hovercraft, as was, terminal carpark. A flat carpark but park as close as you can in the area towards the ferries, as this carpark gets crowded with cars waiting to get the early crossing
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There is also M/home parking at City Europe next to the bus parking no charge but no facilities we used it twice last month also you can fill up with fuel at the Carrefor 27/7 fuel station nearby diesel was 1.42e 3 weeks ago it take uk credit and debit cards we have also used the car park at ferry terminal on many occasions its not so noisey if you park in the middle away from the roadways have a good trip


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watsoa - 2008-07-14 6:27 PM

Tesco 24 hour superstore at Calais always allows overnight stops if you ask at reception.

Alan W

Hi Watsoa - the last time I tried CItyEurope/ Tesco (I assume this is the one you mention?) there wasa height barrier on the whole of teh 'car park' and in teh end I parked I think in a staff car park?! Has the height barrier gone, or is there another access point free of such restrictions?
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Hi keith

Have used the aire many times in august and have never had a problem. We always arrive late having used the 11.20.ish euro, normally on a thursday.(I tend to work on the day and travel down in the evening) They collect the money 9am ish. You do'nt need a watch for this, the French scarper.

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hi Den - is this the aire in Central calais? I guesss we'd arrive there around 10-11pm......is it far from the ferry - Ihave a SAtNAV and could set the co-ordinates....which I udnerstand are quoted in the English version of the french Aires!
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The main Aire people usually refer to in Calais is by the beach - not free, but fairly cheap. Follow "camping-cars" or "plage" signs. There's also a place at Gravelines, but that's harder to find, and out of your way for the rest of France.


If you decide to leave your crossing til morning, there's a road on the front at Dover where Mhs overnight for free - you go behind the hotel (Premier Inn I think it's called now) between the main ferryport and the "hoverport" (now the catamaran terminal). We used that last time we had an early crossing and it was surprisingly quiet.

There's also parking on the roof of the ferry terminal, but that cost £8 last time we used it and was noisy all night (lorries etc).


Enjoy yourselves!



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Tony Jones - 2008-07-15 8:50 AM


If you decide to leave your crossing til morning, there's a road on the front at Dover where Mhs overnight for free - you go behind the hotel (Premier Inn I think it's called now) between the main ferryport and the "hoverport" (now the catamaran terminal). We used that last time we had an early crossing and it was surprisingly quiet.


Enjoy yourselves!





The road Tony is referring to is Marine Parade http://tinyurl.com/5cjeu2 there are parking meters but I don't think the charges start until 08.00 hrs or it could be 09.00 hrs. There is free blue badge parking though.



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I thought they had closed this road because of the roadworks?


Caravan Club site (Blackhorse) no longer allows late arrivals unless coming back from France (what difference does that make?), not sure about the C&CC one.


I use the first aire on the motorway towards Boulogne - always quiet, usually extremely cold and windy but good to walk the dog.

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The Citi Europe car park has a dedicated section for Motorhomes and other overheight vehicles. I thought that there was a height barrier, but it's something like 3.6m high to prevent Trucks - so not relevant for most motorhomes.

Alternative is the Aire at the Eastern end of the seafront immediately before the harbour entrance. There is Ferry noise in the background, but theres always been space available when I've tried and to date I've not been asked to pay anything. I think the road is called: Digue Gaston Berthe.

Good luck

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Guest Ikrainian
Hi there, we go into Europe twice a year . We generally sail around midnight to get the best prices and as an earlier post said, drive out of the port at Calais and at the first roundabout take the exit for the centre and basically go round and come back to the port and look for the parking area, park in there and it is free and convenient. We always sail back at around 6am and therefore arrive at the port the night b4 heavily laden with booze and simply park up in the harbour car park along with probably a 100 more vans,caravans and cars and have never had a sniff of trouble. The local Gendarmes police the site on a regular basis........hope this helps. :-D
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hapi_chappie - 2008-07-15 1:45 PM

The Citi Europe car park has a dedicated section for Motorhomes and other overheight vehicles. I thought that there was a height barrier, but it's something like 3.6m high to prevent Trucks - so not relevant for most motorhomes.

Do you have the exact location of this please, when we went over in May on the chunnel we ended up going to the ferry port parking to find a spot of the night as all the car parks we could find at Cite Europe had height barriers on. We're going again in August (assuming the motorhome is fixed) so it would be useful to know.
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Guest JudgeMental

A report today on another forum regards theft of secured bikes from motorhome rack at Calais plage Aire.... this is the second theft reported recently *-)


We always go to Le Toquet.

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Hi Mel,


As you approach the Cite Europe complex, follow the signs to the bus park at the roundabout (West entrance I think - we have always parked there for shopping) and you will see a camping car sign on the car park right next to that one. (on the road between the shops and the railwayline - you can sit in your MH and see the cars at the tunnel entrance, but still have to drive about 2 miles to get back over there!)


If you miss it you can just drive round the buildings and try again. There are usually one or two MH's parked up there when we arrive. The car parks next to the buildings have height barriers but look on the other side of the road. Hope this helps.

Jenny B-)

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Guest JudgeMental

Regards bike security, you can now get perimeter alarms for bikes, they bolt on and are key operated and look like a light. Handy when out and about and chained up outside a shop or bar etc.....


And will alert you of interference while on a rack as well, as long as you remember to turn it on that is *-)

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Hi We've parked at the Cite D'Europe when shopping, although not overnight. The dedicated MH parking is a bit rough underfoot, or it was last year. This makes it a bit difficult to push a trolley laden with plonk. hopefully they've tarred it by now.


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It was certainly "a normal car park surface" when we were there earlier this month. No difference to the coach and car parks. Big plus is that you can see when the doors open in the morning from the comfort of your MH *-)
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We were there in early July and they have taken the height barrier that was for cars down and replaced it with a higher one and a sign now specifies this area is for Camping Cars. It is just before the Bus park on the left and faces the Gendarmerie so is safe as well. The surface is all tarmacked and there are trolley parks adjacent to the spaces. It is across from the Carrefour supermarket entrance opposite the car multi-storey and I think 'Holland' door

Hope this helps


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