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Vets in Calais

Guest peter

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Guest peter
Hi Folks, we are going to Austria via Calais in August and are taking our Jack Russell with us. Obviously to comply with the U/K pet passport rules we have to get the dog wormed and tick treated at Calais before our return. The question I have is, does anyone know of a vet at Calais that can do this and the address if possible. This is our first time abroad with the hound and haven't a clue. Any help from anyone that has gone this route befre will be greatly appreciated. Peter
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I have taken my dog since the passport scheme began and my advice is to steer clear of vets anywhere near the ports. I went to one once by Le Touquet (Etaples) and he charged me a fortune. I usually travel up from central France so I either visit the vet there or go to the one in Pont de l'Arche. You have to time it so that you board the ferry, or train, between 24 and 48 hours after the visit to the vet so you could choose a town on your journey home instead of hanging around Calais for a couple of nights.


It is easy to find a vet in France if you go on the French Yellow Pages site (www.pagesjaunes.fr) then search veterinaire and put in the most convenient town. When you have chosen one you can click on a map to find the location and print it out too. I always ring them or send a fax first to establish opening hours and whether I need to make an appointment. Some vets are open on Sundays but you need to work your ferry times to suit opening hours / days.


My final tip is to ask the standard consultation fee before the visit. French vets are happy for you to take your own medication i.e. Frontline but most prefer to administer the Drontal by injection. Incidentally the price of Frontline has gone through the roof in France so it might be best to buy it in England first. Two vets I have spoken to this year no longer stock it. Be prepared for the vet to examine your dog quite thoroughly as well.

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We also find it better to use a vet further from the coast. On previous trips we have used "Dogs Away" to book a suitable vet. They will find one who will use Frontline and who speaks English and if you then use the same vet a second time on a future trip they there is a reduced fee. The last time we went to Switzerland we used a vet in Reims which left us with a full day to drive to the dock and do our shopping before catching the evening boat, rather than hanging around in Dunkerque for 24 hours after visiting the vet.

If you want details send me a PM.

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The vet I've used in Calais for a few years charged 42 Euros last month. I dont know if you find that expensive (not compared to a UK vet I think !) Easy parking outside the door with any size of motorhome and convenient.
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That looks a very nice site David - thanks for that I've bookmarked it although I don't usually come that way.


I paid 35€ at Pont de l'Arche early June. I had my own Frontline (he doesn't stock it now as it's over 45€ for 5 pipettes) but he provided the Drontal.

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Hi Have also used the vet in Pont de L'Arche, also Ardres,not very far from Calais, also Royes. All very good. Have also used vet in Loches, and other places further south. Some will time the entry to suit the crossing. Prices vary a bit, although what I like about medication in France is that the price is printed on the package. The bigger the dog, the more expensive. With a Jack Russell it won't be too expensive. Having two Rotties it costs us a packet! Still we wouldn't leave them at home.  Happy travelling.


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Unless you particularly want to have to spend 24-48 hours in Calais then I'd suggest you go to a vet en-route - it'll be cheaper as well! We use one at Ardres, just south of Calais, they are very good and speak English. We have been there 3 times now, the last time in June it cost us 74 euros for 2 dogs - a small portly cross jack russell and a mediume sized cross greyhound. This included the Frontline and the worm treatment by injection. If your dog will take tablets then it should be cheaper than injection.

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Hi Peter,

Just to endorse David Lloyds recommendation (St Omer) if your passing through when the campsite is closed (winter months) the lady is Bernadette and she works at Clinique Veterinaire du Haut Pont.

5, rue de Belfort

St Omer Tel. 03 21 88 87 54

Charges are according to the weight of dog, ours at 54 kilos was charged 53 euros this May.

Parking is not a problem along side the canal.


A Calais vet my wife has used and had no problems with is

Christiane Petry

1148 Boulevard General de Gaulle. Tel. 03 21 34 77 39

Parking was not a problem in Jan. 2005


A WORD OF WARNING : the lady in front of my wife at euro tunnel Calais on the Tuesday after May Spring Holiday was in a distressed state : Car travellers they had arrived on the saturday to go back to the UK and Passport had found 2 chips in her dog and she had come back on the Tuesday when her vet in the UK was open to try and resolve it. He had put in a new chip and not taken out the old one, passport where saying the dog (9 years old) would have to go into quarantine for 6 months.

We had to leave so do not know the outcome but it sounded very upsetting.

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Following on from WORD OF WARNING: We had a nasty couple of hours in Calais when our Pet Passport was not accepted because our vet had entered "not known" against "date chipped". The entry must have a specific date, or an entry "before D/M/Y", "D/M/Y" being the date the initial anti rabies treatment was given. i.e. the authorities need verification that it was THIS dog that was treated on that date, identified by a chip present on that date. In the end we were lucky, able to get in touch with our vet at home who was able to fax DEFRA in Dover with a certificate, who in turn authorised Calais to let the dog through - but it was a nervous few hours.


Mme Petry in Calais we use with ease, and park a night at the wee site at Camping les Erables, Escalles.

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Hi we used Christine Petry in early Feb this year €38 for our cat, good english and very friendly, within walking distance of Calais plage aire (about 1 mile) or you can park outside.


Christiane Petry

1148 Boulevard General de Gaulle. Tel. 03 21 34 77 39



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