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Transporting a motorcycle onboard


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Hi Everyone,


Does anyone carry a motorcycle in the garage section of their motorhome?


I'm currently considering carrying my motorcycle in the garage section of my Hobby, the bike fits comfortably but looking for ideas to secure the bike safely, can anyone help.



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No one seems to have replied to your specific query, But if you use the search button (top of page) and try searching on axel axle weights, you will find all sorts of information about loading of the rear axle.


I could be corrected here, but you may find that your problems will be more concerned with what it happens to the axle loadings than actually tying your M/cycle down.


Once the Center of gravity of the load goes behind the rear axle and starts to lift the front axel, loadings start to change very quickly. (I think one thread carries the equations for working this out)


Apologies if I am teaching granny to suck eggs, or you have a tag axle and can carry the world ;-)



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Hi Tonyishuk,


Thank's for that advice I will check it out, I could go the route of tow bar and trailer but it's very expensive therefore carrying on board is an inexpensive answer if axle loadings are OK, thank you




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Pez - 2008-07-18 2:13 PM



Hi Tonyishuk,


Thank's for that advice I will check it out, I could go the route of tow bar and trailer but it's very expensive therefore carrying on board is an inexpensive answer if axle loadings are OK, thank you





Not sure about fixing in a garage but am sure I have come across a couple of companies who do fixings, a Google search should do it. You should have no problems with weight, I carry a scooter on a tow bar mount and still have 150kgs spare on rear axle. My van is also a small one, to small for a garage, being only 19 feet long. Many will try and put you off carrying a bike but they will be people who have never tried or had practical experience of this. However it is important to work out weights and to see if it is practical and then take to a weighbridge to make sure your calculations are correct. I am always mystified how people have such a problem with payloads, goodness knows what they carry around. If you need calculation formula or practical advice on towbar mounting please ask. One thing, you will never regret carrying a scooter/motorbike, best thing we ever did and much better than towing, if I wanted to tow would have bought a caravan.

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Hi Pez, when I first started thinking seriously about a motorhome last year, I wanted a way of taking Ninja motorbike with me and I spoke over the phone to these people, needing just general information at the time..... then circumstances changed (my life is chamelionic if there is such a word) ..... so it never materialised. I don;'t know if they can be of help to you.


oops forgot to add it... :$



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If the "garage" can take a bike of lightwieght size, say up to 250cc, then the loading will not be difficult. Make sure there are anchor points for tie-downs fore and aft, and get decent straps. Some are made of cheap materials and break easily.

Strap down firmly, as movement will find out the weakesy point.

You don't want to find it bashing a hole in the bodywork when stopping to unload.

My biggest fear of all petrol motors, including generators, carried within the bodywork, even in a tail end garage, is the vapours that always seem to be present. Imagine what might happen when the vapours permeate the locker, in the vicinity of a naked flame or smoking cigarrette, as they certainly will unless your locker is gas tight.

My bike rides in a trailer, with other accessories, like bike clobber and camping stuff, and spare gallon of juice.

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Hi Rupert123,


I have checked out the weight no problem here, your absolutely right carrying a motorcycle is probably the best mode of transport for motorhomes. I have sorted out the fixings to secure the bike just need some good weather this weekend to finish the project, thanks




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Hi Wingpete,


The garage can take the weight and I have purchased 4 good strong straps, we will be fixing everything this weekend dependant on the weather. I take your point re the fuel, the locker is not gas tight but if we take all rensonable precautions I cannot see any problems, thanks for your reply.




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sorry for the delay in replying to you, pc down.

I carry a 6oocc in my garage (burstner 695) garage weight limit on my 4 tonne van is 250kg, the bike weighs 180kg so no problem there,I found the tie downs in the garage weren't up to much, first time i tightened the ratchet, the tiedown eyes pulled out of the floor. I then put plywood down and bolted the eyelets through the ply and the van floor, safe as houses now. My best buy was a product called a bike grab, excellent bit of kit, i push the bike into the garage and push it into the bike grab that is also bolted to the floor, the bike stands up on its own while i strap it down, the manufacture reckons you could just put handlebar straps on the bike and thats enough to hold the bike in situ, brilliant. google Bike grab. i will also try and find the receipt and give you the company name.

any questions just send a pm and i can call you on the phone.



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Hi Mark,


Thanks for your reply I would be very interested in the bike grab sounds like a good way of securing the bike whilst applying the straps. I to will be strengthening the floor for the tie downs to be on the safe side, looking forward to having some transport when we go to France in September. I will end a PM with my tel no, thanks





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Quasar Products Limited.

2c Mariner,

Lichfield Road Industrial Estate,



B79 7UL


Email: Dave@on-bike.com

Tel: +44 (0)1827 61754

Fax: +44 (0)1827 61677




Iv'e just spoken to the manufacturer (Dave) he says the bikegrab weighs 10 kgs. here's his detail's. oops! message wrong way round.



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