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Boxer whistling exhaust


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Does anyone know of a permanent cure for the whistling exhaust on the 2.2 Boxer engine. I know we are not alone as I have heard others doing it. We had it repaired twice under warranty. They were a bit vague on the work carried out but spoke of a sealing kit and it didn't take long so I guess they changed the sealing ring between the down and tail pipes. Both times it fixed it for about 6 months before it gradually started again. Now it is out of warranty I would prefer a permanent fix. Any ideas from the experts.
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Hi Graham,


As Dave mentions it's more than likely the exhaust to manifold flange squealing, does the squealing stop once the engine has warmed up?


My MH started making that noise when the engine was cold soon after it was new. They replaced the exhaust flange twice, each repair last a couple of months.


I think what happens is - if you have stalled the engine at any time, the engine rotates on its mounts and stretches/strains the flange, from then on you get your squeak.


My MH is now over 4 yrs old and the squeak stops after about 5 mins running, if it ever stopped squeaking - I think I would miss it now :-)


Regards Terry

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Yes I guess a squeak is a better description. It does stop when it warms up but it seems so embarassing first thing on a campsite. To be honest I can barely hear it in the cab but it seems so loud if I get out to move wedges etc. It looks like I (and others) will have to live with it.
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The other thing that often squeals when you first start the engine is the alternator/water pump belt slipping, this usually stops after a few minutes as the engine warms up. It is quite difficult to adequately tighten the belt on the ducato. Long thin fingers and a lot of patience is needed due to its inaccessibility.


At different times over the years I ( my engine really ) have suffered from this as well as the exhaust squeak and the turbo whine.



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Yes we have had it on previous van. When I first heard it I immediately thought Turbo. But then I put my foot on the end of the exhaust and it stopped, so I assumed it was associated with how the exhaust system is mounted.

As it disappeared when driving I ignored it, and I have been embarrassed on camp sites by worst things.

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One possible solution for the squeaky joint would be to separate it and lubricate it with graphite dust. Unlike grease this won't burn away but if you can apply a reasonable quantity it will just stay there, sandwiched in the joint. Where do you get graphite dust from? Try a pencil :D .



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Now that is a good idea. The Peugeot garage did mumble something about lubricating a joint when they put in a new seal but the detail is always second hand through the reception desk. When (if) it stops raining I better look under the bonnet and see what is what.
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Please let us know how you get on, my Symbol has the same problem. I found that standing on the exhaust tail pipe stopped it for a few days so was going to try replacing the mounting rubbers thinking it may help but haven't got round to it as yet.....I've also notice the squeal is now taking longer to disappear after starting, used to be a few minutes now it can be 10 minutes or more, but only ever at tick over.
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Right I have been underneath and can see where you mean but I am not agile enough now to tackle that without it being on a hoist. Our village garage can handle vans so using this advice I will get them to look at that joint sometime-but not just yet. I will advise on outcome. I found that grabbing hold of the end of the exhaust pipe would stop the squeak so my first effort was directed at the mounting rubbers but with no success. I have found that the squeak does get progressively worse which is why I had it fixed twice under warranty. At the moment it isn't to bad and does stop after about 5 mins.
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