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Holiday Insurance


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In the past we have used All Clear Travel .

Good company and seem to cover everything we needed in the past.

However things have changed for the little one and it's up for the annual renewal .Boy did we get a shock £721 for her alone and that is not annual ,that is only for three weeks holiday .With ours the rest of the family that would take it to somewhere in the region of £1,000 thats alot of money .


I can't believe that a little bundle like this would cost so much .

Anyone any better suggestions I know they use a scoring points system and as soon as you say Epilepsy the question is how many fits in a week more than three ? My god she's lucky if she doesn't have more than 10 a day .. anyway any other companies out there that might do it cheaper .

grateful for the help.

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is there a national body of support for epilepsy - sometimes they can help.

a case of mass market with mass 'purchasing power' and influence




if we're in Europe we tend to ignore insurance - there are so many exclusion clauses and super mark ups it rapidly become uneconomic [always assuming we don't need repatriation :-( ]



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Thats just the trouble yacks we just might with her and knowing her luck .

Still it gives 5million cover and covers one person to stay with her and 5,000 incase of cancellation.


Oh dear its very steep isnt it ..whats to do I wonder how these school and the like take coach loads of disabled kids on the ambulance coaches to places like Lourdes ? wonder who covers them.

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We are in a very similar position.

At the time we were Caravan Club members and round their insurance department very helpful. The Epilepsy didn't raise too many problems after it was established general health was good. We were never charged more than the standard premium for family cover.

It was worth joining the club jsut for insurance and the carnet (plus Safeguard insurance discount).

Unfortunately as you have discovered there is still a lot of misunderstanding and prejudice (and fear) with epilepsy.


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Yacks :D


Cab thank you so much yes there is I actually should of added that she is Disabled as well . However in saying that there never seems to be aproblem with that it appears its the Epilepsy that does it .


How many fits in a week 50 + some weeks none .More than three less than ten NO

Have you a brain tumour

When was the last time in Hospital (last week )

It all adds to the scoring system Its a money game really but I suppose it has to be otherwise they would go out of business quick.

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As we now travel mainly to France (2-3 times a year for 2-6 weeks) and are relaxed with the country and its medical services (which we have used on a number of occasions - excellent) we no longer bother with additional medical insurance - relying on the E111 or whatever it is called this week!


I have done a quick search and the following links give information on or offer insurance for people with epilepsy:






The above seems to get good reviews in http://www.epilepsyforum.org.uk whre there are several threads on holiday insurance.


If you do get a good deal perhaps you will let us know?

Good luck



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Thanks for that I will be taking a good old look at that .

i will have a study tomorrow on the Epilepsy Forum also ..Just a little worried when she rolls into five Tonics one after the other and the Emergency meds dont work ...Umh bit of a problem there as I know I cant do it at home as you will know the breathing drops and I cannot monitor like a hospital so its off to the hospital for the next line Diazepam /Lorazepam / Paraldahyde ...its all to much on the breathing slowing the heart rate down . there must be others like her so all is not lost yet ..If I find anything i will let you know but she is explained as complex Epilepsy in other words they cant treat it so as you can imagine its not often between visits to hospitals as there is only so much I can do at home safely ...Wish I could win the lottery and hire a full time trained Dr & Nurse to live in such is life. take care and thanks.

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Mel B - 2008-07-18 6:10 PM


Hi Michele


I hope you get sorted ... I thought you'd lost the plot and were talking to yourself with Twooks using your photo! 8-) (lol)



we've all lost the plot Mel - and 'tis highly infectious :-> :->



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