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Places to visit enroute to Lake Garda


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Hi everyone, I have eventually decided on my route to Lake Garda and then on to Tuscany, we leave a week today. :-D

At the moment I am surrounded by maps and loads of different information and just wandered if all you veterans of the road were traveling the same route as me, is there anywhere that jumps to mind that you would definitely call and see while enroute.

We plan to spend 4 days meandering down to the lake calling at a few places on the way down.


My route decided upon with all your help, is -----

Calais, Dunkerque, Lille into Belgium heading for Bruxelles and Tournai. A16 towards Mons and Chareroi and just after Namur, head south and cross the border from Belgium to Luxembourg. Head for Metz and then Strasbourg. Past Colmar and Mulhouse to Bastle and finaly past Luzern and north of Milan before heading east to lake garda.


I have a more detailed route with sat nav co-ordinates and way points (thanks, "way to go") if anyone wants them.


I think a stop off in Luxembourg and Switzerland is the bosses/wifes main thoughts but anywhere enroute that you veteran travelers think is worth a visit is fine by me.

You would probably not believe the quality and sheer volume of information gained from this forum regarding this trip but just wanted to say a big thank you, it removes our doubts and allows us to concentrate on just relaxing and enjoying our trip, as always any ideas at all much appreciated :-D

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That is the same route as we followed to Garda a couple of months ago except that we went down the Germanside of the river between Strasbourg and Basle.


Our first stop was at Bertrix in southern Belgium; the site was ok and the town was quite pretty.


We also stopped at a site next to lake Lucerne at Buochs. The lake is certainly worth a look.


Enjoy the holiday

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Not quite on the thread, but have you been before?

A few years ago, in a hired van, I drove down the west side of lake Garda and I shall never do it again. Dicing with Italian coaches in rough hewn tunnels in an overcab motorhome was not at all enjoyable. The co-pilot told me at the end of it that she'd had her eyes closed. I had to admit that I had too!

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Peter Highe - 2008-07-23 1:45 PM


Not quite on the thread, but have you been before?

A few years ago, in a hired van, I drove down the west side of lake Garda and I shall never do it again. Dicing with Italian coaches in rough hewn tunnels in an overcab motorhome was not at all enjoyable. The co-pilot told me at the end of it that she'd had her eyes closed. I had to admit that I had too!


Must admit that I looked at that road from a distance and decided not to try it but we went up the other side without much difficulty and the views were great.

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Come on peeps, I am sure quite a few of you have meandered down this way.

Then again, I suppose there is a good chance that most of you are actually out and about in your campers instead of stuck at home counting down the days till the hols. :-(


Any ideas at all and I'll be straight onto the internet to get extra info and gps positions etc etc.


Van booked in for a service, this weekend then on Wednesday we are off :-)

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Have a really great trip Kev - we are off to Italy 5 weeks tomorrow (and counting B-) ) Using the same route and can't wait. We loved Lake Garda so much last year that although we intend to have most of our time (only 15 nights away unfortunately :-S ) in Tuscany we have been invited to visit the Ares factory (Leveltronic system fitted to our 'van) which is just North of Venice so I am sure that Lake Garda will also get a look in!!!


We stayed at Bella Italia on the South of the Lake and used our towed Smart car to tour around the Lake as it was easier to get around some of the hairpin bends when we went into the mountains etc. - lovely places to see off the beaten track - there were loads of MHs on all roads though so perhaps we were a little cautious. Would also recommend spending a day on the boat trip from Sermione to Garda - a great and relaxing way to get an idea of what is about the lakeside areas - you can get on and off as you please, to explore. Great cycling along the towpath / riverside in the South as well.


Wherever you visit have a great trip. B-)

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We've usually visited the Dolomites first, so have taken a route further to the east via Luxembourg, for cheap diesel (well it was then) and the old city is worth a look (MMM a couple of months ago) then cut across towards Karsruhle, Stuggart & Kempton before going over the pass into Austria and Innsbruck. The old city is worth a look.


Then over the Brenner and turn left towards the top of the Dolomites and head towards Brunico, Dobiacco and Cortina, fantastic views as you approach Cortina. Then over the pass via Falzarego, you've got to go up the cable car, fantastic views and onwards towards Canazei, hope you like hairpins and follow the Great Dolomite Road towards the main valley near Bolzano.


Then its just a quick trip down the motorway to Garda etc.


Our alternative is via Basel and Zurich but head towards Bad Ragaz then Klosters (Royals in winter) Davos and then Zernez, then a choice head down the valley to Bolzano or for the experience of a lifetime take the alternative via the Stelvio, its worth it once.


Garda takes alot of exploring we stayed at Camping La Rocca between Garda and Bardolino and what we couldn't visit on bike we visited by boat although we didn't venture away ffrom the lake and its immediate surrounds.


One of the joys of motor caravanning is opening the guide book and travelling as far as the interesting places allow but then usually we don't book anything apart from the ferries/tunnel and get to where we get to


have a good trip, we're off to france this year starting with meeting friends near St malo and then ! well we'll see where we get to


cheers alan

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If you decide to go down the German side of the Rhine to Basle then a very nice place to spend a couple of days is Freiburg. The town itself is lovely olde worlde and there is a magnificent cathedral. When we go down that way we usually stay at Camping Hirzberg, 10 minutes walk from the centre. They provide free WiFi and the cost is about €18.50 per night all included.



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Some really good ideas, will definitely print off these posts and take with us, really wish we had more time to visit all these wonderful places. Where ever we end up, thanks again for all the info, I am sure we will enjoy both the trip down as well as Garda when we get there. :-)
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Already got loads of ideas, we have one more day at home and then we are off on Tuesday night, so any last minute ideas/places to visit more than welcomed.


As mentioned earlier, wherever we go I am sure we will love the experience.

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