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Electrical problem

Guest Brian

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I have a Fiat Laika ecovyp 1r Sept 2000.When its parked up between trips which are never more than a couple of weeks apart the main engine battery has a habit of going flat or close to it.Sometimes after only 3 or 4 days and sometimes it takes a couple of weeks.If I attempt to charge it by plugging the vehicle into the main I get a noise like a relay making and breaking rapidly from the control panel above the side door. Ive been charging it directly onto the battery with a charger because of this. It has baffled 2 local electrical garages as to whats causing it and suggest it's best looked at by a specialist M/H dealer.I've approached the UK agent for reasons in the past and because the previouse owner imported it they are not interested in having anything to do with imports.The battery does charge normally when running but I'd like to get to bottom of the problem, My knowledge of the electrics is vertually nil.Anybody had a similar problem to this? any help or advice would be apreciated.
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It sounds like you have perhaps two problems, one being something that is still drawing current from your starter battery when the ignition is turned OFF. This might be a greedy alarm! and a second problem which is a relay that removes its own coil supply when its own contacts change state which is causing the chattering sound when the leasure battery is put on charge via the mains hookup. It could be as simple as a broken wire! but then again it may not!. Do you have a manual which shows the wiring diagram for the van? But this is not a problem to guess, only close inspection, measurement and an understanding of how the system is supposed to work will enable the problem to be identified. Like all electrical problems the cure is always easy, finding the cause of the problem takes the time. In essence you need a local sparky with a thinking head and time to spare. Could I suggest that Dave Newell of Leisure Vehicle Services, one of our consultants on the MMM panel who has recently started his own business specifically aimed at Motorhomes would be happy to take your cash in exchange for a resolution! Email him on dave@davenewell.co.uk or phone him on 01952 587702. Dave,s workshops are in Tweedale near Telford. My own location is near Basingstoke but Dave is much younger than I and its cold outside! Dave has a nice large warm workshop! Good luck Clive
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We have the same van and expereinced the very same problem for two years. We first put it down to the VanBitz alarm being more demanding than we'd expected; then to winter cold and extreme damp. We then had to rip out the ludicrouly located leisure battery charger unit(it is unprotected under the body behind the front wheel by the step and got sodden with water thrown up by the front seat and just disintegrated). So, we fitted a new unit under the forward double seat by the heater unit and put a switch on the drivers seat allowing us to control the battery charging - and routing directly to either/or of the three batteries. I'd check yours. At the same time we changed to an expensive gel battery and have had no problems for the past two years. This may be chance ... I can't prove either cause or effect. However my next plan, had it happened again, was to insert an chunky isolator switch just off the positive terminal under the bonnet. We already have one which is key operated eleswhere and they are readily available. This would completely isolate the battery and also adds another anti-theft device.
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Thanks to Clive and Martin for the prompt replies to my problem.A couple of points I'd like to make.I dont have an alarm system wired in and both batteries have been tested and are only about 14 mths old, I think we can rule out those 2 possibilities.My liesure battery is nice and dry under the passenger seat.I can only remember the problem starting around last summer about the time I had a solar panel fitted on the roof, it is wired in to the system and fitted with a meter,I wondered about that so I removed the fuse from it a few days ago so I'll sit back and see what happens.The people who fitted it suggested I try that.I'll keep you informed.
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Thanks to Clive and Martin for the prompt replies to my problem.A couple of points I'd like to make.I dont have an alarm system wired in and both batteries have been tested and are only about 14 mths old, I think we can rule out those 2 possibilities.My liesure battery is nice and dry under the passenger seat.I can only remember the problem starting around last summer about the time I had a solar panel fitted on the roof, it is wired in to the system and fitted with a meter,I wondered about that so I removed the fuse from it a few days ago so I'll sit back and see what happens.The people who fitted it suggested I try that.I'll keep you informed.I will fit a cutoff switch anyway.
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Sounds like you are possibly missing a diode - if it's the solar panel.The Laika management system is connected to both batteries and if the panel isn't the cause, let us know and I'll tell you more about it. It is this control centre that is strangely located between the front wheel and the caravan door step. Hope the fuse does the trick. Happy Laikering
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Guest Dave Newell
Thanks to Clive for giving me a mention. I would certainly be happy to relieve you of some hard earned for a resolution to your problem, on the evidence given it certainly sounds like the solar panel could be to blame but this can only be verified by proper testing. the only real problem with internet forums is there's no way of knowing where anyone is writing from unless they tell you. Anyway, if you'd like to give me a call on 01952 587702 we can discuss your situation and assess whether or not you (or your van) need specialist help. By the way Clive, my workshop isn't heated but the office is at this time of year. I work harder to keep warm! dave@davenewell.co.uk
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the replies.Ive noted all the suggestions made including a chat to Dave Newell Who I shall pay a visit if I dont get to the bottom of the problem locally. One more question came to mind during a flat period, How can the vehicle be locked with a flat battery since it needs the power to operate the locks?
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Guest Dave Newell
Hi again Brian, The doors stay locked even with a flat battery because no power is required to hold them locked. The operating servos in the doors are simple motors that are used to drive the locking mechanism "down" and then the wiring is reversed to drive them "up" for unlocking. Once in either position there should be no current drain caused by the central locking. When the battery is flat you will need the key to open the doors. www.davenewell.co.uk
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Further to the last email Dave about the flat battery and doors locking. When it was flat they dont lock, just spring back unlocked again when I turn the key to lock them.
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Guest Dave Newell
That is unusual, normally with a flat battery the central locking won't operate but you should be able to lock each door individually with the key. www.davenewell.co.uk
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