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lights cut out


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Sorry tried to search as I know someone else asked this, but can't find it.


Been away for a couple of days and ended up with no electricity and no running water (cos the pump needed electricity). Every time I tried to switch to auxiliary battery it cut off after about 60 second. Then I waited for a couple of minutes and tried again. It switched on but cut off after about 60 seconds. This kept happening.


The reading for the battery was 10.6 which I thought would have been ok. (I also, incidentally, thought it would have been higher as I had been driving for about 3 hours due to getting lost!!!)


Can you tell me what is wrong please? Thank you. Joy

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Itexut just a thought. Would the auxiliary battery normally be covered under a warranty? I think I might just be in time if it is, or is it one of those things which they just assume you renew like your oil, etc, as and when. If the battery itself is ok when they put the metal 'thingies' on it and the needle jumps up, does that mean it is likely to be a big job because the battery isn't charging when the engine is running?


Sorry if these are daft questions but I havn't a clue when it comes to engines or electrics and I just want to know what I'm letting myself in for. Thank you. Joy

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Joy, is the van under warenty? if so, our auto-sleeper was and theychanged a duff battery for us, if you have to buy a battery, try to get one with a 3 year warrenty, because if you don't use the van as much in the winter the battery is likley to suffer, and you have more chance of getting it swapped.


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Thanks again all.


Dave, I didn't charge it the day before I went but I HAD charged it up from the main about three days before.... so I don't think the alarm would have used that much up would it? I will check that split fuse before I go about the battery.


Thank you for the advice re three year warranty and the overwinter problem. Any tips are so much appreciated. Joy

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