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Stoves Oven Door


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Compared with apparant problems reversing new Fiats, mine is a minor problem, but a problem it is, so can anyone help.

Our Stoves oven, which is located on the nearside over the rear axle will not, when travelling, keep its door shut. I've looked at the catch, which is not that substantial, but seems to hold the door very tight when parked, but the door swings open very soon after driving off, doesnt seem to be any adjustment.

Has anyone else had this problem/ any suggestions?


little jack

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I have the same problem but no solution sorry. The catch is complete and should therefore be workable, but as soon as go over a bump down comes the door. Last journey I opened the door before I set off ... it still clanked as I went over bumps but don't imagine the strain on the hinges was as bad. :'(
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My Bessacarr is the opposite its to stiff to open.

How old is your vehicle I know its a pain but could you not complain well ask for them to renew it ?


failing that put something in the catch like plastic for travelling if you get what I mean open the door fit soething like that rubber matting stuff jam the door for travel and remove when stationary ...probably a crap idea sorry .

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I have the same problem, which I have overcome by a piece of plastic, about 2" long and ¼" wide, screwed at one end into the wooden oven surround. When travelling the plastic is turned to cover the oven door, stopping it opening. Simple but 100% effective.
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Thanks Brian, that's brill. Failing a piece of plastic, I guess two sort of cup hooks, one on either side, and just a simple thick elastic band kept in the drawer might work .... but then again the cup hooks might keep catching on clothes when cooking ... mmm . Still train of thought now.
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Michelle, my Bessacar is 2 1/2 yrs old, the catch is stiffto open, but opens in transit, I suspect the oven casing twists and pops the catch - so far as I know it doesnt happen on ovens fitted at the rear of m/homes.

BrianR, I had thought of doing something similar, but felt it wouldnt improve the look of the interior!, plus very limited space, at present i fit a strap round the oven and grill door handles, which stops the door swinging open but it still opens off the catch and then rattles,.

Thanks all for comments.

little jack

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little-jack - 2008-08-01 6:32 PM



BrianR, I had thought of doing something similar, but felt it wouldnt improve the look of the interior!, plus very limited space, at present i fit a strap round the oven and grill door handles, which stops the door swinging open but it still opens off the catch and then rattles,.

Thanks all for comments.

little jack


The piece of plastic I use is transparant perspex, so it is vitually invisible.

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What about Velcro?


A piece of sticky backed fluffy Velcro at either side of the oven on the housing just below the top level of the oven door, then a long piece of the non-sticky type hook Velcro placed tightly from one fluffy bit along the front of the oven and placed on the other fluffy bit.


It is important if you do this though that you make sure it is the fluffy bits you stick on and not the hook bits otherwise it'll catch on your clothing etc as you pass by and fasten you to the cabinet!:D


If you wanted in the future you could remove the sticky backed fluffy bits so the van would be back to 'normal'. :-D


For a quicker, temporary fix, try a bit of gaffer/duct tape.

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We have one of those plastic swing catches you can obtain from accessory dealers, it is screwed to the wooden framework at the side of the bottom edge of the oven door, and swung into position before moving off, very effective. I have a spare one somewhere in the garage if you have problems obtaing one.

Will not return home until Tuesday 5th Aug

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Thanks Trigrem, I had to fit a catch like that to the bathroom door as the magnetic strip fitted as standard sometimes failed and let the door swing. I sort of thought I migh have to do same for oven so have bought a catch, and will look how it will fit etc when I get to m/home next (its kept in store



little jack


ps How do they justify nearly three quid for a plastic catch!

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Not sure if same problem or even same oven, but the bottom glass door (utensel storage) drops down as we go over a bump. We just put a cusion on the floor to protect it. The lock was adjusted by the dealer but appears with use to have worn again. This is the type of lock that you push on and the relieve the pressure to open, basicly the same idea as some cubard door locks but there is no button on this you just push on the door



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