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Vehicle Excise Duty (Road Tax) for Motorhomes

Derek Uzzell

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Interesting link, especially for those with smaller motorhomes not classified as PLG.


I do worry that at some point someone (non-motorhoming Treasury official?) will suggest its not fair on owners of Chelsea Tractors to have motorhomes only taxed at £185pa. If DVLA get a lot of VW camper owners claiming refunds this could stimulate a review of motorhome rates. I doubt if we (motorhomers) would get much sympathy from the general public.

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Derek Uzzell - 2008-08-06 7:47 AM


If you are interested in the present (and future) position regarding motorcaravan VED, I'm sure that you will find the following link useful:




Interesting link Derek and yet another example of how the Devil Makes Work For Idle Eurocrat Hands - god help the next generation.


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This VED anomaly has little if anything to do with 'Eurocrats' - it's caused by the UK's own home-grown vehicle taxation system.


The important thing is that motorcaravan vendors, motorcaravanners and the DVLA all sing from the same hymn book - ie, that everyone (including me!) is now aware that UK-registered motorcaravans should only be VED-classified as either PLG or P/HGV, and that this won't alter until at least 2012.

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I have just received my Registration Certificate for my MH and immediately checked iit after viewing several posts on the matter of Tax Class.


there are a couple of things I have noticed and perhaps someone could explain:

Compared with the the very detailed info contained on my car registration, the one for the MH contains so much less


Under number of seats it states (2) but it is belted for 4 (living area)

No vehicle category

Type approval number - Exempt?

Max net ppower (kW) Blank

Engine Number - Not known

Max permissible mass - blank

Mass in service - blank

braked (kg) - blank

unbraked (kg) - blank

Sound level - All blanks

Exhaust emissions - all blank

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My Hobby motorhome's V5C RegistrationCertificate is similarly minimalist.


When I imported the vehicle into the UK and needed to get it registered I had to fill in a 'First Licence' declaration form. In my case this was Form V55/4, but there are other application-dependent versions (eg. dependent on whether the vehicle is new or secondhand). The DVLA has a Guide to filling in these forms (in my case the guide was form V355/4) that tells you what should be put in which data field on the declaration form and where to find that information.


In my case a lot of the technical information came from the Hobby's European Certificate of Conformity (ECOC) issued by the Hobby factory after it had built the motorhome. Many of the fields on the declaration form are semi-optional - basically, if the information is on the ECOC the DVLA would like to have it, but if it isn't then it won't break their hearts. I was able to provide data for all these 'semi-optional' fields , but the entries aren't reproduced on the V5C.


I think what happens is that, with a motorhome, it's the Type Approval exemption that dominates and when the DVLA's registration software recognises that the vehicle being processed for registration has "EXEMPT" in Box K on the V5C, it suppresses most of the other stuff that would normally be shown in the other 'technical' boxes if the V5C related to a vehicle (like an ordinary car) that's not exempt from Type Approval.


Happy with that?

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