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What do toilet chemicals do?


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PJay - 2008-08-10 3:43 PM


Am I missing something? what is SOG? We always use a chemical. We have a friend who does not use one , and avoid empty our cassette at the same time as him!!!!!


The SOG is a German system designed to do away with the need for chemicals to assist in decomposition of the waste matter in the holding tank. It claims to do this by providing additional ventilation - and therefor more oxygen - when the toilet is in use. It consists of a small fan, activated when the blade valve is opened, which sucks in air from the toilet bowl, through the holding tank and out to the outside through a charcoal filter. As has already been said in an earlier reply, it is doubtful if the amount of extra air is enough to make any difference to the decomposition, but because it gives a positive airflow from the bowl to the outside it stops smells getting into the 'van interior when the toilet is in use. For this reason, you can get away without using chemicals in the holding tank.

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We have had the SOG system for 3 years since we had our current motorhome built. It certainly keeps smells from escaping into the bathroom.


However, when I empty it, as I stated above, there is an extremely strong smell of ammonia - but not of poo - if I do not use chemicals. I have had complaints from fellow campers queuing up to empty their own cassettes. It makes no difference how long the contents have been in the cassette.


I raised this at a recent show with the UK distributor of SOG whose response was 'Of course there's a smell if you don't use chemicals! - all it's designed to do is keep smells from entering your vehicle.' Claims in the SOG leaflet to do away with the need for chemicals are therefore probably quite accurate - if you and your fellow campers can handle the smell when you empty it. But you'll get the same chemical-free emptying without a SOG and you can easily make your own similar extraction system from parts readily available from CPC or Maplins at a tenth of the price.


Incidentally I do admit to having an extremely sensitive 'nose' - the result of all those years sampling good wines, I Guess!


Mel E


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I did once forget to put chemical blue in after emptying the loo and within a day or so the contents of the cassette certainly made it's presence felt with a very widespread and quite unmistakable aroma!
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These are links to some earlier SOG-related postings:






While I accept that one might be able to produce an on-the-cheap toilet ventilation system using parts from suppliers like Maplins, I admire Mel's optimism that it could be done "easily".


It could certainly be done 'bodge-ily' though and, long ago, I came across a personal website giving details of a home-made arrangement on a panel-van conversion that graphically illustrated the term "rough and ready".


The price of a SOG kit currently approaches £100, but at least one can be confident that all the bits are present to make fitting straightforward and that they have been proven to tolerate the environment within which they must function. (Computer fans aren't really intended to suck wet, mucky, smelly air and survive long term!)

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We have used the sog system for around a year now, and I feel it is one of the better purchases i have made, having a disability it means i can empty the toilet every day before it gets to heave for me to carry (aint i the lucky one) as for smell, some cl's emptying points are far worse the smell when emptying without chemicals, and definatly no smell in the van .


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Some years back we were introduced to a box of false teeth cleaning tablets by a motorhome owner in eastern Germany. Huge boxes of these are very cheap to buy in Germany. We have used these ever since without any problems and the tablets do the job. We empty our Thetford container everythree days or so.
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thanks brian

think i will stick with my blue liquid, 1 bottle lasts a year, and thats emptiyng as often as possible. Often on a daily basis. I don't wait for it to fill up. We spend several weeks at a time living in our van, and use aires in France a fair bit,

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Derek Uzzell - 2008-08-11 9:22 AM

The price of a SOG kit currently approaches £100, ...........................)


Cor! That would keep you in 'chemicals' for quite a number of years and you wouldn't have to be concerned at all the disgusted and dirty looks you get from your downwind nieghbours!!

Personally I believe SOG should be banned under the air pollution regulations!1 (TIC)



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PJay - 2008-08-11 3:34 PM


thanks brian

think i will stick with my blue liquid, 1 bottle lasts a year, and thats emptiyng as often as possible. Often on a daily basis. I don't wait for it to fill up. We spend several weeks at a time living in our van, and use aires in France a fair bit,


If you spend a lot of time in France then you should be using 'Green' as most places are on 'Fosse Septiques' except for the Towns and very large Villages plus its more environmentally friendly.

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I dunno - there's all these wealthy motorcaravanners spending oodles of cash on gin-palace motorhomes, then spending oodles more cash on 'must have' accessories like awnings, posh wheels and sat-TV systems, and they begrudge a few quid to prevent their bathrooms from smelling like a medieval midden. Definitely some odd priorities there!
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We swapped from Thetford green to Elsan green a year or so ago, (it's cheaper), and the reduction in odour when emptying is noticable.


To be truthful I find it odour free and I empty at worst every 4 days or so and we rarely use facilities.


Just back from France where we experienced very high temperatures made no difference to odours produced when emptying.




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We have the SOG system and it is good, i.e. no odours in the van. Emptying is fine. Yes there is a smell sometimes but so what, it's only for a few minutes and isn't going to hurt you.


Reading this thread did make me smile though at the thought of some people with their noses to a SOG outlet smelling to see whether the charcoal filter reduces the pong! :-D


Just for info. When we get home, and I always empty the loo before leaving the site or aire. (In fact I do this when ever we are travelling about), we just put a tablespoonful of disinfectant, "Zoflora" is a good one, in the cassette when it is going to be standing around empty for a while.

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