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Scuttle/Judder Gate petition


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Many of you may have seen the petition running at the moment. For those who have not, link below. The author is looking for one final push before it is presented to Fiat/Peugeot. The comments on it are very interesting.


Anyone who has an interest whether leaker, judderer non believer or whatever, please help by adding your signature.


Thank you all.




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I've signed it as a believer, but non sufferer, and likely to remain a non sufferer by boycotting all new Sevel based vans until Fiat start acting with honesty and integrity.


It might be a long wait!

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We've signed as sufferers. The waterfall under our bonnet is a sight to behold! How the designers got this past the drawing board stage beats me. Appauling customer service to offer these cheap fixes which do not address the cause of the problem. Anticorrosion coatings, what a joke. Thanks for the petition. Hope it gets everyone affected some redress.


By the way, the additional 'Supplementary Kit' which includes the glueing of the scuttle to the windscreen is only available to Motorhome owners (not white van man) and only if you ask for it. Its not a recall. It will help but only until the windscreen needs replaced and then............... who knows, we might need a new scuttle too. What a mess.

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Thank you so much for signing. We would love a few more if possible purleeeeese :-D :-D :-D


Just shows you how long it takes to get something fixed with Fiat et al if people are still picking up leaking vans!!!! Never mind the possibility that they may shake you apart.

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