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Scary news for visitors to Europe!


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We used ours!!!!!


Whilst travelling back up to Calais on Friday, the side lower locker (for levelling ramps etc located on the UK offiside, just behind the habitation door) decided it wanted to have a 'flap' - probably caused by some bumpy roads which allowed one of the locks retaining catches to come loose. It made an almighty noise as it scraped along the road and in a huff the ramps, water bottle and funnel decided to make a break for freedom along the hard shoulder of the motorway! 8-)


Now trudging along the motorway, when it was belting it down, with vehicles driving at high speed past you is not my idea of fun, so on went the fluorescent waistcoat and out came the emergency triangle and off I went to retreive the escapees - I hasten to add the reason I went searching was to make sure they weren't actually lying in the middle of the road waiting to cause an accident, I'd hate to have had that happen. Fortunately, they had not escaped very far and were lying on the grass verge a little way back. :-S


It was bad enough having to walk along the edge of the motorway and I can assure you I was extremely glad to have the hi-vis waistcoat on ... I did chicken out with the hi-vis caps though! :D :$


You never know when you'll need them, I was just glad we had them for their main reason which is safety, not because of some European/French law (which I don't think is stupid by the way).


Fortunately the locker door hasn't been badly damaged and only has a slight scuff on the top corner which you can't even see without very close examination so will probably polish out ... poor abused camper yet again! *-)

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Hopefully Mel you wouldn't have gone into the carriageway to retrieve your kit, even if it had been in a dangerous position. With no Matrix warning signs out and not expecting anyone to be in the carriageway many drivers would not even see you in time to react, even wearing your high viz jacket. Just ring for help and await the police or motorway patrol people if in the UK.


There are people killed each year on the motorways who should be there, i.e road works people, emergency service personnel etc, who are equipped with the highest spec clothing and are behind cones, safety vehicles and with lower speed warnings etc. Someone wearing just a sleeveless jacket would stand no chance at all, especially at night or dusk.

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Tomo3090 - 2008-09-09 8:33 AM


Hopefully Mel you wouldn't have gone into the carriageway to retrieve your kit, even if it had been in a dangerous position. With no Matrix warning signs out and not expecting anyone to be in the carriageway many drivers would not even see you in time to react, even wearing your high viz jacket. Just ring for help and await the police or motorway patrol people if in the UK.


There are people killed each year on the motorways who should be there, i.e road works people, emergency service personnel etc, who are equipped with the highest spec clothing and are behind cones, safety vehicles and with lower speed warnings etc. Someone wearing just a sleeveless jacket would stand no chance at all, especially at night or dusk.


As someone who has spent all my working life on the Motorways, I endorse the wearing of High visibility vests outside the vehicles. As you say, short sleeved waistcoats are worse than useless, and in fact it is a H&S requirement that all Motorway and high speed workers wear flourescent jackets , or vests with sleeves when working on the Motorway.


Believe me its no picnic.


Regarding the 'beam benders', as a newbie to this Motorhome lark, can someone explain in simple terms the difference between beam benders/headlamp protectors/beam blockers?

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No, I wouldn't have gone into the road to retrieve them and I would certainly have phoned the police to warn of the problem, fortunately I didn't need to ring as they were on the verge. When going to see I walked there and back on the verge and got really soggy feet and trousers for my trouble! :-( This happened on the Friday around 10.00 am so it wasn't dark, just raining - had it been at night there's no way I'd have gone out there ... believe it or not I do have SOME sense!! :-S Been sorting the locker out this afternoon with stays and straps, no way it is going to flap or the little s*ds are going to do break for freedom again!!! >:-)
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