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Gaz 907 refill £20


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I have ( today ) been quoted £20 all but a penny to refill my 907 cylinder.


Thats for 2.72 kg of gas.


Now if I buy a 15kg Calor Cylinder refill that costs £25 or £1.60 a kg.

That makes £4.35 for a 2.75kg refill of a Camping Gaz 907.


I am suprised that some bright spark hasn't thought of buying a length of hose and making up the required connectors, then elevating the 15kg cylinder upside down and allowing the 907 to fill by gravity. A set of scales might be useful to measure 2.72kg to make sure overfilling didn't take place.


Of course this might be dangerous and could be slow, taking maybe 1/2 hour to fill the 907. I would think it might be safer outdoors.


It would be highly dangerous and probably illegal so I wouldn't do it would I?



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Not sure how practicable it would be to transfer LPG from a Calor 15kg bottle to a Campingaz 907 canister due to the design of the outlet-valves used on these butane containers.


When people are contemplating attempting bottle-to-bottle LPG transfers, the bottles involved are usually propane containers that normally have 'open' outlet valves. In such cases the valves won't inhibit the LPG from passing from one bottle to the other and, if one wished to link together two bottles having the traditional UK-standard POL connector (eg. Calor propane canisters), then hose assemblies to allow this are readily available from specialist gas suppliers. The main thing to watch out for (other than one's safety!) is that the connecting hose is 'straight through' type as, if there's a non-return valve in the receiving end of the hose, the LPG won't flow into the lower bottle.

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ktesis - 2008-08-14 8:24 PM



I have just filled my two 11kg gaslow's for £13!



Hello Ktesis,

Today I also filled my two 11kg gaslow bottles for the first time after installation and it cost me exactly £24.14 (That is 42.42 litres of LPG at 56.9p a litre.

Have you filled both bottles for £13?

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OK, that's worth knowing and, if one is constrained to using Campingaz cylinders by a motorhome's gas-locker size (or just choose to exploit the bottles' Euro-wide availability), it could save a fair bit of money.


I'm not sure how illegal the practice is. You 'rent' a Calor cylinder and are contractually forbidden from refilling it, but I presume you can do what you like with the gas in it. You 'buy' a Campingaz canister and, although the container carries advice that refilling should only take place at an authorised filling centre, I'm not confident that stops you refilling it yourself. ("Possession is nine-tenths of the law" and all that.)


It would be interesting to learn how a (hypothetical, if you want to be coy) person might make up the link to connect the two bottles together with reasonable safety. Now you've raised the issue and confirmed that it's possible, it's probably better to describe how it might be done successfully rather than have people who have been encouraged to try it have to re-invent the wheel.

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Hi all- Am I right in assuming that this adapter could make the fixing and expense of Gaslow refillable cylinders obsolete, if one is able to fill your own Calor gas or any other make of cylinder at your local LPG garage ? chas *-)
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What you have to ask yourself if you are considering 'hand filling' an ordinary steel-bodied gas canister with Autogas is how you ensure that you don't overfill it beyond 80% capacity and end up with liquid LPG finding its way into your motorhome's gas appliances and the vehicle going up in flames.


If you are prepared to ride roughshod over the gas-bottle supplier's rental regulations, know exactly what you are doing and can avoid getting your backside kicked by the service-station owner for potentially dangerous practice, then the adapter method is undoubtedly the cheapest way to obtain a leisure-vehicle 'refillable' gas system. But it definitely ain't no substitute for a Gaslow system.

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OK here is how I did it.


Remember that I am writing about filling a Gaz cylinder from a Calor with a 21mm connector.


You can buy a 21mm click on connector without the regulator bit, you also need a tail (to fit high pressure rubber hose) that will fit the W20 thread, a good camping place will have these in store.


I already had the same set up for the Camping Gaz, just a tap with a tail for the 8mm rubber pipe.


Make good connections using good quality jubilee clips, hoist the Calor so that it is about 24" above the Gaz cylinder and open the taps. Wait about 1/2 an hour and the Gaz cylinder will be full. Check the weight of the full cylinder, take away the tare weight (stamped on every cylinder) and what is left is how much butane is in the cylinder. Do your maths properly and if it is to full press the ball valve (mind your face) and lose a bit of gas until the weight is right. Or connect a tap and simply bleed the gas off.

Do it all outside in a well ventilated area.

Note that I used proper high pressure hose that will easily take full cylinder pressure.


Now the legal bit, I will not be responsible for any problems you may have in doing this. I have told you what I have done,if you want to have a go it's at your own risk.


Today I am



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Thanks for that - I wondered how you'd done it.


It is possible to obtain 'unregulated pressure' adapters for gas bottles with 20mm, 21mm or 27mm clip-on output-valves. These adapters all have a M20 x 1.5 output male thread, and one can obtain a Campingaz-bottle adapter (with on/off valve) with that same output thread. 'Pigtails' suitable for adapter-to-adapter connection are also available.


The vital thing is to ensure that the recipient bottle isn't overfilled



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OK Derek, I intend to get an alternative (M20 threaded) pigtail and this should be a bit quicker filling. I didn't go this route initially as the only pigtail I could get was only 450mm long, that's a bit short. Something to do with new legislation, E.U. no doubt.



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