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Fresh water filler cap lock


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I have an ACE Milano, 2004 and my fresh water cap lock has given up on me. The turning the key in the lock has no effect. Mine is the normal operation to lock or unlock which is to push the cap in and twist it until there is resistance and then turn the key. But the cap just keeps turning and I can't get it out to even replace it. I have tried gentle persuasion with a rubber mallet (!) and given the lock a dose of WD40.


Any ideas on how I can release the cap, short of getting a locksmith come out to me.


Fortunately, the situation is not desparate as I can still fill the water tank from within the van.


John :-(

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Had the same problem on a Bessacar -ie Swift groupmodel, and others here have posted before, I managed after about half an hour of fiddling to get the cap off by making sure it was unlocked and a combination of pushing it hard in and twisting back & forward it finally came out. I think there is a little plastic nib in the lock which breaks and stops it releasing. Suggest you buy a new lock and cap (cost about £16), I wouldnt get the Fiamma one as I think you have to fit a new backmount as well. Perserverance is the name of the game here - unless anyone else has a better suggestion.

PS If you get the cap off DONT put it back as a temporary measure as it will jam again (experiance!)

Good luck.


little jack

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Hi John


We have the same model as you, our water filler cap caused the same sort of problem. Squirt oil into the key hole leave it to soak and it will unlock and lock again OK. keep it oiled as well as all the other locks on your habitaion unit, for some reason they seem to dry out quickly. Do not use wd40 as it is not a lubricante it actualy drives oil out as well as moisture.

I have just cleaned our unit today and then went round all the locks, greased the screw drive on the steadies, also checked all the sealant on panel joins.



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