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Roof Ventillator problem


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I have new Auto-trail Tracker with ventillators which opens/close using a winding handle. The thing opens OK, but when turning the handle to close, a clicking sound is heard and the ventillator lid doesn't close. If one then gives it a helping hand, it does close, but you can't get it completely shut. Has anyone met this one before, have any technical info about these things and any tips on if I can easily fix this and save a journey to the dealers? The only identification mark I can see is a sticker giving pictorial information on what/what not to do with the ventillator, and which has the word 'Remis'



Neil B

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Sounds obvious, but as it is new get your supplying dealer to check it now, leave it too long and they may try to suggest that you have travelled with it open and blame you. Any problem should be sorted under warranty.


I expect the forum guys/gals will give you usefull background to argue you case, if needed, with your dealer.


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Hi got this problem on 840D (new) and have been into day to get repair done but may have to have 2 new ones if A-tril say ok!.Also i phoned A-trail last week and they NO it`s a big problem so go back to the dealers,there are also 2 hooks on the frame that go into 2 black "bits" on the window that keeps it down.if you need more info PM your phoned number.john
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We no that and go back to the dealer,BUT they are still fitting them to new motor homes,I have e/mailed the Remis Co think they are in germany to say that they are no good and to take them off the market.i am starting to think the best way is to screw them down and use only the side windows
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Hi John,


I think we used the same dealer as you, looking at your location. Have you tried contacting Autotrail direct in Grimsby? We did when the dealer was not coming up with the answers we needed and Autotrail were very good at getting our problems sorted.



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