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Off to Portugal next Tuesday - any last minute tips

Charles Chodkowski

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A good guide book will fill you in on the things to see, such as a Rough guide.

Northern Portugal, inland, is mountainous: it is also very attractive.  Roads are fairly narrow and twisting, and progress can be slow, so allow adequate time for travel.

Most Portuguese haven't owned cars until relatively recently, so driving can be difficult to understand and predict.  They appear often to rely on divine intervention, in preference to judgement or forward planning.  However, on the whole there is little aggression on the roads, just lots of optimism!

You will encounter many odd things as you drive, road signs that overhang the carriageway: even the odd one or two planted in the carriageway.  Wheelie bins, cars and motorcycles often line the roadside with little concept of obstruction.

Pedestrians seem to have little traffic awareness, and will stand in conversation right at the road edge, with their backs to oncoming traffic.  Risk of mirrors bashing backs of heads!

The Portuguese are on the whole friendly and helpful.  The younger generation tend to have been taught English as their second language, the older generation French.  They do not much like the Spanish and, although most can understand their language, few will admit to being able to speak it!  Best not to start conversations in Spanish, therefore!

The Alentejo, roughly the area South of the mountains and North of the Algarve, is rather flat and monotonous, but is worth driving through for the experience of mile upon mile of olive trees and cork oaks.  A hard life, I suspect.

The Algarve, apart from the sliver of the actual coast, has suffered badly from overdevelopment and uncontrolled tourism.  The extreme West end seems the best bit, the Eastern end, near the Spanish border is, in my opinion, deeply unimpressive.

Hope this doesn't put you off, as it does sound a bit negative.  In truth, it is a delightful country, with delightful people, some quite spectacular scenery and some unique and very seductive architecture.  I suspect you'll love it - once you get used to the driving!!

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Portugal is a lovely place to spend 8 weeks, we have done it every year for the past 4 and should have been off on the 15th Sept, the ferry is booked but unfortunately i now have to go in for knee surgery so it will have to wait.

We have traveled down the coast from Peniche down the west coast and then along the Algarve into Spain. There is a good cheap site at Peniche about 6 euros with electric, plenty of wild camping all around and down the west coast. There are plenty of cheap sites, Lisbon is probably the most expensive but even that was a lot cheaper than at home.

Porto Covo is one of our favourite spots they have Aire type facilities, water and waste, in the centre of the vllage but most people prefer to camp on the cliffs.

From Sagres to the Spanish border is more developed but nowhere near the level of the Spanish costas, again plenty of good sites all of which goes down to half price from Octoer 1st but also plenty of places for wild camping other than at Lagos where they have clamped down on it.

The people are very friendly and we always feel safe there unlike in Spain. There is a well known list of wild spots and other usefull info kindly put on the webb by Don Madge most of the spots i can vouch for as being good and safe. If you cant find it on the webb and want it then just message me


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Brian & Ron

Charles asked for some tips for his trip to Portugal. I am also very keen to read the replies for my first trip there later this year - so thanks for your most informative and useful data. I have the rough guide, but a motorhomers perspective is invaluable. One further point you could enlighten me - we want to visit Portugal during December and January and ideally would like to move around every 2 weeks or so as the mood takes us. Hence I had not planned to pre book ahead and would attempt to book in at the last minute to the sites suggested on other threads. Is this wise or naive ?

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Silicongyro - 2008-08-30 8:07 PM


Brian & Ron

Charles asked for some tips for his trip to Portugal. I am also very keen to read the replies for my first trip there later this year - so thanks for your most informative and useful data. I have the rough guide, but a motorhomers perspective is invaluable. One further point you could enlighten me - we want to visit Portugal during December and January and ideally would like to move around every 2 weeks or so as the mood takes us. Hence I had not planned to pre book ahead and would attempt to book in at the last minute to the sites suggested on other threads. Is this wise or naive ?


We have never ever booked in advance for Portugal, we just go and stop wherever the fancy takes us, when we have used campsites there has always been plenty of room certainly in October/November we have not been there in January as yet but just turn up and you will find room im sure. One thing i would say is dont expect the sites to be up to caravan club standard, some are pretty basic others like Albefuria pretty good but they do vary.



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There is a chain of campsites throughout Portugal in that I use. The standard of facilities is good and they are well run.


I picked up a company map showing the locations at the first site I stayed on and used them all the way down to the Algarve and back.


The website is www.orbitur.pt




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