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Last minute advice please for France


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We're leaving early Saturday for 3 weeks in France and Spain, my plan was to use aires on the way down then commercial sites for a few days. Someone told my wife today that the aires will be very busy or full this weekend as lots of French are on their way home from holiday. They advised that we should book commercial sites for the first couple of nights. Now that seed of doubt has been sown in my mind can someone tell me if aires around Alencon then Royen will be too full to accomodate us. I'm planning on arriving at each area early in the afternoon and have the guides and books so have a choice of aires, but don't want to be driving forever looking for one then ending up in a dodgy area.

Please reassure me *-) (?)

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We have often been in France at this time of year, and, although we don't often use aires, we have never booked a place on a campsite, and I can't remember ever failing to get a place.

We normally plan to arrive on site by about 3pm - 4pm.


Have a good trip

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If you use the aire at Alencon it is directly outside the municipal site, if both are full, the aire can only take say 7 vans at a push there is a carpark right next to the aire and overlooking the site. So plenty of room. The Alencon aire had free electricity the last time I used it.


Never camped at Royan although I know there is a large commercial site just outside the town. We met the British owners father in Spain last winter. If you are crossing the Gironde at Royan there is a good aire close to the beach on the opposite side ie south side of the Gironde which is quite big, again with lots of possible overspill all around.


As the other commentator I've never booked a site in France in 15 years and only once failed to get on my first choice site by the coast in August

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Never had a problem in France for either aires or camp sites, and thats going in may/june/july. we also going to France 13th Sept, so leave room for us, and some sun! Plan to make it to the south coast.

Hopesy - 2008-08-27 6:44 PM


We're leaving early Saturday for 3 weeks in France and Spain, my plan was to use aires on the way down then commercial sites for a few days. Someone told my wife today that the aires will be very busy or full this weekend as lots of French are on their way home from holiday. They advised that we should book commercial sites for the first couple of nights. Now that seed of doubt has been sown in my mind can someone tell me if aires around Alencon then Royen will be too full to accomodate us. I'm planning on arriving at each area early in the afternoon and have the guides and books so have a choice of aires, but don't want to be driving forever looking for one then ending up in a dodgy area.

Please reassure me *-) (?)

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wE HAVE JUST COME BACK FROM 5 WEEKS IN France on Tuesday. Did not book one site during the whole time and that was peak season. If you arrive at the aires in the morning you are guarranteed a place. Most of the French were heading home after the bank holiday weekend which started 15th August .


You do not have to book and we never failed to get on an aire.


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Guest JudgeMental
Head south if you want some decent weather.... France generally is experiencing a similar summer to the UK. I have been heavily sedated by my GP due to depression since we returned from a month in Italy a few weeks ago 8-) Temps were reliably 30-33. I doubt if I will recover......and I desperatly need another holiday *-)
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