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A question of speed


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So am I the only one who gets brassed off following other cars, caravans, trucks, vans and motorhomes when I have many miles to cover?



I know some of you are on your jolly holiday and the rest, I presume, are just dead to the world and other road users about them but is that any reason to hold me up for mile after mile



when, with a little thought, you could easily let me pass so that I can disappear over the horizon and get on with doing my bit to increase carbon emissions to make the world a warmer place!

I don't have thoughts when on holiday except dreaming of sun, sea, beaches, and the odd scantily clad lady.



Actually on a serious note, I actually genuinely think some drivers actually go slower when there is a queue behind them thinking "if I go slower they can pass", despite cars coming towards the other way, ....... then amazingly, you must have noticed some.........they speed up on the bends.

Takes all kinds and I care not a jot really.

(So why are you posting then? - Editor)


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We all know the French cant drive dont we ?


Anyway last few weeks on our hols we were down some little bendy country road doing a good 40/45 to be honest that was fast for these roads ..I actually asked hubby to calm it a bit I can not beleive what I saw a French camper passed us on a bend nut case ! he narrowly missed a car coming the other way . He had ample time to pass us as a matter of fact when there was a nice clear road ahead he choose not to even when we couldnt stop we hugged the white line to allow him to see it was empty unfortunately if he hadnt of been right up our jacksy he would of known .


So i say let speed more haste there aint nothing good in going fast and I warn you boys I can sling it around just like the rest of you :D

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Hi Michele, good to see you back and hope you had a great holiday.

Think the French are bad, Italians and East Austrians are worse.


Lets start a campaign -- less speed more haste. Campaign for same speed restrictions for Motorhomes as HGVs.



p.s. Just recalling my time in Czech Republic this summer, hardly anyone was driving fast, very sedate in fact compared to previous years and gentle acceleration. I can only put this down to massive increase in fuel costs there as they mainly import from Russia and they have stung them steep with price increases more than the rest of Europe with oil going up. Some suggest it is to make a statement against the Czechs allowing U.S. to site early warning defence radar in Czech Republic. The point I am making though is how they really have felt the price increase hard, so drive slower to economise and compensate for fuel price rises.

Maybe we should be doing the same. Be a pleasure to drive slower I say. Why always the rush. There is always tomorrow.

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SAS - 2008-09-02 12:17 AM


Unless this motorhome was over 7.5 ton and was classed as an LGV vehicle (even though it was a motorhome) he really had no reason to be doing 45 mph.


Yes he had - that is the speed he wanted to go at so that is a very good reason for doing it.


Maximum speed limits have nothing whatsoever to do with the speed you can travel at, providing of course the chosen speed is equal to or less than the maximum speed limit.


It seems that most of today's driver believe the actual speed limit is 1.5 times the advertised maximum speed whereas the minimum legal speed is 1.2 times the advertised speed.



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