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MMM front cover


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Call me old fashioned, but I choose which magazines to buy when I go into a newsagent, so last month I went in and saw on front cover of 'another' mag that the Autocruise Pace write up was inside so brought a copy. When I looked at sept issues at weekend I saw nothing on any front cover to interest me, of cause MMM was in it's usual plastic wrapper so I could not look in index, alerted by a post by Ray I searched on this site to find the Pace was in sept MMM.

Could I suggest if you are going to seal mag in a plastic bag at least give more info on cover as to the contents.

Also a comment on the 'test', as I've said on other thread, those drop down doors under bed look like the bottom ones will not open if anything is in 'centre' storage, much better in my view to have a opening. Aside from that interesting report.


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I think the problem is with the Supplements (this month about Yorkshire). Unless they are bagged with the main mag they get separated on Newsagents' shelves and the display becomes an awful mess.


As for more on the front cover, it's already got a lot on there - to add more would turn it into a Contents page.


So I really don't know what the solution is! But I refuse to buy other bagged magazines unless I know what's in them, just like you.


Mel E



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MMM magazine in its last few pages lists the contents of the next issue in some detail and this information is also available on this website usually well in advance of the magazine becoming available in the shops.


While I can understand the attraction of 'browse through and reject' as I'm partial to it myself, as Mel E says, adding supplements means the magazine needs to be wrapped. Besides which, thick magazines like MMM soon get dog-eared if they can be man-handled by browsers in newsagents.

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