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Pickering Show - who is going.

Hymer C 9.

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Hi. Took a trip today to Pickering to suss it out - having been sick of mud at the York shows in years gone past. Couldn't stop at the actual showground but by the looks of it the ground looks decidedly boggy. About a mile away, a MotoCross event had been cancelled.


Pickering's a lovely little place, but very very busy. What it will be like when the MMM roadshow hits town will be quite something.


Wonder why, when it had to move from York, they didn't opt for somewhere a little more accessible, like the Harrogate Showground.


We won't be going this weekend but hope that those who do will have a ball.


Cheers, Bill

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Hi All,


If all goes to plan sooty10 will be at the show. Must look on the chatterbox thread to find out the number of the stand to meet up on Saturday at 4pm. I know we are 80 miles from the show but it is still raining here today. Already a friend of ours who has also bought tickets for the Saturday show is not going so there may be bargains to be had if more are staying away.



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Evening guys!


Currently parked at the North Bay of Scarborough for the night, planning on coming to the show tomorrow ... had a lovely day today, walking on the beach, shopping, more shopping and taking the canoes out on the sea - great stuff!


Up early in the morning to come to the show so if anyone sees a couple of nutters pottering around looking knackered that'll be us! Seriously, our Rimor will be in the day visitor parking, where ever that will be, reg no: FJ56 YPM.


Oh yes, this is the view from our van this evening.



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