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Is it early to talk about CHRISTMAS! (skiing)

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental


Christmas in the Alps


Thinking of going to the Alps this Christmas. We have a winterised van so may as well make use of it...... I know some on here including Michele and Panagah went last year and enjoyed it at Le Park Isertan, and I am undecided between that site and Le Escale at Grand Bornand........


What chance is there of snow running up to and over Christmas? And has anyone been to either of these sites over the festivities?


Other recommendations appreciated but we prefer full service sites, conveniently next to a town for restaurants etc....


I have a FWD Ford, don’t fancy changing front wheels and tires so that I can use snow chains. Thinking of getting “spike spiders” any one used them at all?


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Judge, Thanks for your PM.

The drive upto Le Grand Bornand (Camping L'Escale) was easy enough and did not require snow chains. The roads had been kept clear and as I remember were passable without any concerns.  The elevation is high enough that you will freeze any external services (waste) so make sure you have the necessary lagging, heating, equipment etc. before arriving.

There was excellent snow on the slopes when we arrived pre-Christmas and all over the Van and site a few days later :-)

The site is family run and friendly enough. During the winter months, one has to get fresh water and deposit grey and black waste water from a central location - so take the relevant containers as moving the van around the site may not be that easy!

The showers were hot & clean. The swimming pool seemed too busy for my ageing limbs. The restaurant onsite served a fabulous traditional Christmas Dinner - on the 24th and the 25th was marked by another skiing lesson.  

We managed to get a satellite signal, but on part of the site trees and a mountain (how inconvenient!) obscure the signal.

Sadly a family death meant we returned home sooner than intended, so I cannot comment on the New Year festivities. 

I hope this helps and wish you a happy holiday - I'm quite jealous just thinking about it!


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Guest JudgeMental

Who's going to be cold? No such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.......


Have been up in Lapland in 6 feet of snow and had a brilliant time. Last Christmas we were in the Caribbean that was excellent as well. Kids fancy a white Christmas and I am trying to oblige, we may well end up somewhere warm...... as long as it’s not here I don’t really mind *-)




Thanks Graham for you reply.


was the site full? - did you book in advance or just turn up?


Any other English familys there (for the tennagers)


We have a fuly winterised (double floor) van with all services inboard and upgraded heating sytem, so that side of things is catered for......


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At the time we were relative novices at the Motorhome world, so booked the whole trip via the Caravan Club.  However, the site did not have our booking on arrival, but accomodated us with ease.  Whether this would have been possible nearer the festive season I have no idea! 

We were pitched quite near the site entrance, so not sure how full the site was - but got the impression it was busy/full.

It's going to make us look very boring, but I think we just skied and collapsed most days - there were other English families there, but it wasn't like a "summer" site where people stood around chatting.... Certainly we were almost without enough energy to stand up!


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Never to early to talk of skiing.


No knowledge of site but we go to St. Gervais, which is the other side of the Aravis from Grand Bornard every Christmas and stay for most of season, except Febuary. Christmas over the past few years has been fantastic, last year was very good indeed. Do not use van, we have a chalet there but two friends of mine park in the main lift station car park for all of January, lift company does not seem to mind, they get water and dump waste every few days at the St. Gervais aire which is a couple of minutes away.

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Sorry Judge, if the white stuff is on the ground then its cold, must be minus something, too cold for me whatever the clothing, I'd sooner fry than freeze any day of the week.

I'd love to be in the Caribbean at Xmas, been at every other time of the year. Jamaica for this Xmas now thats interesting. I wonder if Jamaica still has its bobsled team?

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Guest Tracker
starvin marvin - 2008-09-06 8:54 PM


Sorry Judge, if the white stuff is on the ground then its cold, must be minus something, too cold for me whatever the clothing, I'd sooner fry than freeze any day of the week.

I'd love to be in the Caribbean at Xmas, been at every other time of the year. Jamaica for this Xmas now thats interesting. I wonder if Jamaica still has its bobsled team?


Just because you don't like the cold Tony why do you choose to criticise those who are not afraid of, and do enjoy it?


Camping in heavy show and below zero temperatures is not my scene either but the very best of luck to those who do enjoy it and long may they continue to enjoy it.


Rant over!

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Tracker, my view is legitimate. If folks want to freeze thats up to them. The question is "Is it early to talk about Xmas.... skiing" My reply was yes it is, and it still is. Skiing or any snow activity for me is like homosexuality, its fine so long as it doesn't become complusory. I think I'll chill out now. (Tracker thats a pun)
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Hi Judge

It's not too early but possibly TOO LATE

Like any other School Holiday period facilities soon get booked up.

Unless it's different this year due to the Credit Crunch, I would say that it is too late if you wanted to book Hotel accomodation for Christmas. A lot of people book for Christmas in the mountains but do not Ski. I prefer to leave Christmas / New Year for those who do not have the option of outside the School holiday period.

Have Skied in Europe for the last 30 years, but personally I would not consider the Christmas period due to the crowds and poor snow reliability.

With reduced availability of open sites, I would say the sooner you act the better chance you have of getting what you want, otherwise it may be a question of taking what's available, which may not suit you. Please remember that the Christmas holidays coincide across Europe, not like summer when you do get some timing variation.

You should not have a problem in January after the School holiday period.


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Guest JudgeMental

It’s never too late... we booked Florida and a Caribbean cruise late September last year, and normally book a Christmas trip about now.


Like you say the credit crunch is having an effect, but spiralling costs to America are not helping either.....


Pointless booking the Alps early, as snow before Christmas is unreliable.

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Judge I think we will be joining you if I get my way again ,

I know its viewed by some to be boring to go back to the same site but I fancy going back to prolognan again it was wonderful.


Have to say that the campsite could not of been ny closer to the little town which is literally at the foot of the campsite . the Ice skating rink was just at the bottom also so if sking isnt for you what ever you can have bash at skating .

The campsite people were fantastic nothing was too much trouble very friendly and the food was lovely . We didnt need the chains until we got to the bottom on the site and then because we stopped to check it out we lost the grip and had to put them on wouldnt be without them .


We had a knock on the door on Xmas Eve and a young lady asked if we would be taking xmas eve dinner with them at the site how nice no cooking didnt much like the quale is that how you spell it but what a beautiful place clear sky at night with just the moon lighting the snowy mountains wonderful throughly recomend to anyone .


Bon voyage & see you there .

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John you are a bit out of date when you say Christmas is a bad period. Crowds at this time have not been a problem for some time now, at least in France. You need to pick a resort with a good system and one not over popular with the British who still seem to go at this time. I skied in the St. Gevais area as a professional skier for 15 years and still go back every season to ski with old skiing partners. Crowds at Christmas are a thing of the past except at weekends and even then only certain lifts will have a wait but usually not long. Snow has not been a problem in this area at Christmas for years, this is region Judge is talking about. Snow, or lack of it , can occur at any time of the year, it is weather after all, over which we have no control. Granted January, after new year weeks, is very quiet and the best time to go but the Christmas/new year holiday season is a great time. I will be back this year and intend to stay until end of January, I will then fly back to UK and back out in March, cannot wait. Only big problem my grandchildren are fast catching me up.


It is a great advantage if you have your own transport and choose a resort you can easily move around from if the worst happens, this is one problem with Grand Bornard. Where i go we have Les Contamines just up the road, Chamonix fifteen minutes away and we also go through to Italy via Mont Blanc tunnel. If you are a piste skier, which I am certainly not, never go near them if possible, then a resort with loads of snow cannon is good at any time of year.


Anyone who wants a days off piste and is around the area please pm me and i will let you have my mobile number.

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Hi all,

No it deffinately aint too early. I can't wait. We hope to go again for the new year arriving the day after Boxing day. Or alternately February half term week.

However our plan is to look to go back to Pralognan. It truly is fantastic with everything on your door step and no need to worry about over inflated lift prices to hammer the brits at other more popular resorts. Also everything on your doorstep. A wonderful little town. As for snow? its lke this, the higher you go the more chance you have. Pralognan is high so has a good record. Even if it does not snow, the views are well worth going for.


AS for some other comments, Being in your nice snug warm van at a nighttime with all your family and -20 degrees outside is a warm feeling. Walking about in all the right clothing outside keeps you nice and warm, and if you are lucky enough to get the sun out expect to go back sunburned as if you had been to the carribean.


Not every where is busy as some have suggested, we visited 3 resorts this year over the xmas period and neither were over subscribed.


My advice Judge is as someone gave me last year, is if you wanna ski then take your time, dont book up, just see where the snow lands and head there. Exactly what we done last year and got lucky with Pralognan, we will do the same this year. It is rare that sites full up, Aires yes but Sites? no

give it a go and enjoy it it's great.

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Guest JudgeMental

Pralognan probably more reliable for snow before Christmas and over as a bit higher then Grand Bornard.......


appreciate will have to get ski wear, TJ max are recommended I believe.... but what do people wear going out at night in ski resorts?



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JudgeMental - 2008-09-10 4:52 AM


Pralognan probably more reliable for snow before Christmas and over as a bit higher then Grand Bornard.......


appreciate will have to get ski wear, TJ max are recommended I believe.... but what do people wear going out at night in ski resorts?



Hi ya Judge,

TK max is one of a few. The best I found was Sportsworld and or Primark, but be careful, incorrect gear can lead to a wet and misarble skiier.

As for what you look like? don't worry about it, you will look a complete idiot, but rest assured so will everyone else. I saw people in the old 80s bond girl jumpsuits, our kids looked the best inthere mountain warehouse kit but still looked 5 stones overweight!!!


At night time if you invest in one or two top quality fleeces you have a nice bit of kit to wear. Generally most people are only concerned about being warm and not about what they look like.

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Judge if you have not got ski gear and are going to Grand Bornard suggest a diversion to town of Sallanche, a little further on the autoroute. Just outside town, on the Chamonix side, is a shop called Quechau. They sell all the ski wear you want and all at fantastic prices. I still have friends who work in the alps all season and they buy it so hard wearing as well, also chains are sold in all the supermarkets there very cheaply. All routes into Grand Bornard are chain routes so you must carry them even if not used.
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Guest JudgeMental

Thanks Panagah & Rupert for the insider info!


I can't have chains unless I change the tyres for narrower ones, camper being on a FWD Ford.


Will have to look into "Spike spiders" as these apparently fit *-)


Wife and daughter getting cold feet and want to go to Egypt.......... lol

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JudgeMental - 2008-09-10 11:47 AM


Thanks Panagah & Rupert for the insider info!


I can't have chains unless I change the tyres for narrower ones, camper being on a FWD Ford.


Will have to look into "Spike spiders" as these apparently fit *-)


Wife and daughter getting cold feet and want to go to Egypt.......... lol


Surprised about the chains Judge. I see lots of campers with chains on, they make them to fit most size tyres in France. Another solution is a thing called tyre socks, my son uses them as his very wide low profile tyres will not take a chain without damage to wheel arch. Not sure where they come form but an internet search should find them

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Guest JudgeMental
rupert123 - 2008-09-10 4:08 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-09-10 11:47 AM


Thanks Panagah & Rupert for the insider info!


I can't have chains unless I change the tyres for narrower ones, camper being on a FWD Ford.


Will have to look into "Spike spiders" as these apparently fit *-)


Wife and daughter getting cold feet and want to go to Egypt.......... lol


Surprised about the chains Judge. I see lots of campers with chains on, they make them to fit most size tyres in France. Another solution is a thing called tyre socks, my son uses them as his very wide low profile tyres will not take a chain without damage to wheel arch. Not sure where they come form but an internet search should find them


Its the same with the standard Ford tyre, it is to wide.... Handyman (ford owner) on here changed his tyres to narrow ones last winter and bought chains, and never needed to use them....So I think the "spike spiders" probably a better bet and less hassle. I have seen the "sock" mentioned before but not sure if they ar legal in France...




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Hi just of intrest what size tyres are on your camper. we used chains i bought second on ebay last year for £12 +£10 p&p.there about £50 new for the 16mm ones, we had them on and needed them all week in les sasis,1 foot a night of snow. our tyres are 215x16 but the chain will fit up to 245x16.
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Guest JudgeMental
jon&diane - 2008-09-11 8:11 AM


Hi just of intrest what size tyres are on your camper. we used chains i bought second on ebay last year for £12 +£10 p&p.there about £50 new for the 16mm ones, we had them on and needed them all week in les sasis,1 foot a night of snow. our tyres are 215x16 but the chain will fit up to 245x16.


new FWD Ford transit's do not have enough clearence to use chains.....you can cause major damage if they fail. what van have you? had some eye treatment yesterday and can't see to well at the moment but I think mine are a similar size to yours.....


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