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Fiat Ducato base vehicle prices

Guest CAB

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With the gain in strength of the Euro and other factors does anyone know (or can tell me how to find out) if/how much the price of the Fiat Ducato LWB HT has changed since February this year?


I'm asking because I ordered a new conversion based on the LWB 35 HT with the 2.3/120BHP engine (with air conditioning, metallic paint, and passenger airbag as Fiat extras) which I will be collecting soon, but the price quoted on the invoice is subject to "any increases in the base vehicle price prior to registration".


When I picked up my previous ,van about 4 years ago if I remember correctly there was an additional cost of around £200-£300 which was manageable.

The price the converter is curently advertising for the same vehicle (without any "extras") is some £1200 more than on the list price I have for when the vehicle was ordered. If this is a result of the increase in price of the Fiat base vehicle then I may well be asked to stump up over £1000.


I agreed to pay any extra charges when I signed the order form - but I don't want to pay any more than I have to and would like to check what the increase in the base vehicle price has been between February-September.


Can anyone help.






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I looked at current dealer prices earlier. One quoted a current price of £20936 (discounted to just under £14,000!) for the 2.3l/3.5t/LWB/HT Ducato van.

I can probably verify the current prices with Fiat - I was hoping someone may have a price list from February for comparison.


I suspect all new Fiat-based (and other Euro-sourced) 'vans will see an increase in price soon as a result of the strong Euro (Darling hasn't helped!).



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I have no idea of the prices of the Ducato vans etc, but the link below will give you a graph of the change in value of the GBP against the Euro over the last year, it will also provide information for other periods.


The graph may help you in identifing if anyone is trying to inflate the rate of exchange over the period, albeit the GBP has taken a big hit in the period




Best of luck, hope it helps a bit



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I don't know if this helps, but when we order our new Fiat vehicles our chosen dealer puts the order into the factory, and from the time that the order is confirmed a few days later the price is 'protected' from any future increases. The delivery time is normally around 10 weeks for a non standard vehicle or as little as 8 weeks for something more 'off the shelf'


We would not entertain paying any extra for the vehicle, and nor would any of the converters in the UK or European main land.


I suspect it's just another way of ripping you off. I think that the prices you have to pay for your converted vehicles is nothing short of outrageous.



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For info my (almost) local Fiat dealer informs me that there was a price increase of around £500 in the basic price of the Ducato range in July - and also what Nick says above that Fiat will protect the price from the day the order is placed.

In my case therefore I am expecting a request for an additional £500 (unless the vehicle was ordered before July which would be difficult to determine).

I suspect on the road prices of the manufacturers with the ability to order vehicles well in advance may be about to increase as/when they have to pay the new prices.


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euroserv - 2008-09-08 10:45 AM


and from the time that the order is confirmed a few days later the price is 'protected' from any future increases.




Absolutely correct what you said Nick, one is protected from any future INCREASES. but one is not protected from fluctuations of the exchange rate of £/Euro unless the van is paid for on the day the order is confirmed.

This happened to me; I ordered my van in Europe. The day I ordered the van the £/Euro rate was 1.40Euro to the pound, but 8 months later when the van arrived The £/Euro rate was 1.28Euro to the pound.

Beleive me it hurts. It's still cheaper buying in Europe but the difference wasn't worth the bother.


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In the 11 years that I have been buying Fiat vans and chassis I have never heard of this. The price is fixed at the time of ordering and we pay for the van when it is registered. We are protected from 'the latest round of price increases' and we have never had any kind of exchange rate surcharges added.


You should not accept this; it is either the motorhome dealers ripping you off, or the converters trying it on with the dealers. I am certain that Fiat don't add these charges, and if the converters and dealers want to carry on doing business in the lucrative UK market they need to accept that fluctuations in currency occur from time to time.


Please bear in mind also that increases in list price of £500 or so are discounted to the converters at at least 40% so it seems even more unfair that they pass the whole charge on. Vote with your feet.



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I think Abb was referring to the exchange effect on the price of a van bought on the Continent, in which case he would be right - he has to bear the exchange rate changes. One way to avoid this is to open a Euro account with any of the big banks or Nationwide and put the money in there straight away.


Incidentally, Abb is not wholly correct in saying that vans are cheaper on the Continent. Certainly, when I bought my new Renault Master 3 years' ago, I was quoted prices around £2,000 (nearly 3,000 Euros) MORE on the Continent than in the UK for the identical spec (and I bought LHD). It all depends on how much discount you can negotiate but, in general, most cars and vans are now cheaper in the UK. Motorhomes, however, are still mostly cheaper (some a lot cheaper) on the Continent.


Mel E


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CAB - 2008-09-08 9:35 PM


For info my (almost) local Fiat dealer informs me that there was a price increase of around £500 in the basic price of the Ducato range in July - and also what Nick says above that Fiat will protect the price from the day the order is placed.

In my case therefore I am expecting a request for an additional £500 (unless the vehicle was ordered before July which would be difficult to determine).

I suspect on the road prices of the manufacturers with the ability to order vehicles well in advance may be about to increase as/when they have to pay the new prices.



I can confirm the £500+vat price increase on a X250, 2.3ltr ordered after July 2008. I've just stumped it up for my new van, which I ordered last December (not long now!).

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Mel E - 2008-09-09 10:42 AM




Incidentally, Abb is not wholly correct in saying that vans are cheaper on the Continent. ..............It all depends on how much discount you can negotiate but, in general, most cars and vans are now cheaper in the UK. Motorhomes, however, are still mostly cheaper (some a lot cheaper) on the Continent.


Mel E



I always use the word vans but what I'm invariably referring to is Motorhomes. Sorry if I offended some van owners. oh sorry motorhomes owners!

Without going into details, my first motorhome bought in Germany was £11500 cheaper than its very same here, The second motorhomes was £9000 cheaper and the last one in July this year £4000 cheaper despite me forking out £6000 more in exchange rate.

But I understand fully why most people buy here knowing well that Motorhomes are cheaper in the continent. It's easier, safer, it's a 3yrs UK warranty instead of two etc........I would have bought my motorhomes in UK if my work didn't involve me travelling extensively to the continent. So I'm not knocking it, it simply depends on personal circumstances.



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Guest JudgeMental

But as prices increase here the diferentials between buying from Europe and here will return, as they are getting dearer here. Obviously van will be more expensive, but still worth importing IMO


I priced a Hymer last month from Belgium, and it was £10.000 less then here, with a better spec.


Germans expect a discount in the region of 18% and they get them. I tried 5 dealers last year and 2 offered 18%. I saved well over £10.000 then.

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Sorry if I misuderstood your reference to vans - call them 'vans and no-one will have a problem!


And don't get me wrong - I'm all for buying on the Continent IF IT'S CHEAPER to do so. Afetr all, I prepare the comprehensive MMM Fact Sheet on doing just that!


But, putting present exchange rate differences to one side (as Judge points out, these will disappear as forward bought Euros run out and, indeed are already doing so), some makes are much more closely priced in the UK to German, etc., prices than others. The make that continues to stick out where big savings can still be made is Hymer.


Mel E


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