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Guide to second-hand prices


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Does the Motorhome industry support a Valuation Guide book on prices, new and second-hand?


We were attracted by a £10,000 discount on buying a new '2006 demonstrator' vehicle in 2007. Are there book prices to confirm the validity of the discount offered? Also, would this reflect in the current value of our (German Manufacturers) vehicle which as my DVLA records show it being just 1 year old at present?



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The motorhome 'Trade' bible is the glass's guide, it's bought out by the salesman as soon as you take your M/H in for a part Exchange. But it's not available to 'Joe Public' the dealers pay a premium to receive it monthly, on the understanding that NO copies find their way out to US. If they do and they (Glass's) find out, they can and do suspend 'membership'.

Glass's guides give a TRUE value, a lot of the others available tend to give 'Wishful thinking' type of prices. :D :D

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Leicaman - 2008-09-08 8:13 PM


Does the Motorhome industry support a Valuation Guide book on prices, new and second-hand?


We were attracted by a £10,000 discount on buying a new '2006 demonstrator' vehicle in 2007. Are there book prices to confirm the validity of the discount offered? Also, would this reflect in the current value of our (German Manufacturers) vehicle which as my DVLA records show it being just 1 year old at present?



Glass,s guide, the car version, you can buy month old one on ebay but if anyone wants an old one contact me. The Commercial glass,s guide does indeed have some m/h prices, if you have something in mind I have Augusts.

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