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Just in case you han't seen it yet.

Train traffic through the Channel Tunnel, which links England and France, has been suspended following a fire, officials said.

No-one was injured in the blaze that began at 1300 GMT in a freight train about seven miles from the French coast, Eurotunnel officials said.

About 30 people who were on the train - most of them said to be lorry drivers - were evacuated safetly from the tunnel.

French firefighters have now brought the blaze under control.

A Eurotunnel spokeswoman was unable to say when services through the tunnel would resume.

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Guest JudgeMental


Had one delay a few years ago due I believe to airport security (liquids) panic.... have had some horrendous delays on ferries *-)



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We will not travel the tunnel route, mainly because the wife does not like the idea of being down underground below the sea :-S What I cannot understand is how these fires start, and having part open sided carraiges which will obviously fan any fire to quickley making it worse. I do think that greater thought is needed to safety after the last fire, which was a near disaster.
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On a serious note . Whats worse burning to death or drowning

maybe hopefully the fire isnt that bad and you can make the escape tunel or freezing to death and drowning.

I am not sure myself although I can swim I am not to good on the old ferry call it what you will paranoia when we used to go to Biaritz when the kids were younger we used to take the over nigh ferry and I found myself hugging the escape door for the whole journey . Why I don't know just had a fear to be honest we probably would not survive anyway the water would be so cold .


I think any form of transport has its worrie's personally we take the tunnel because we found out about the deal and we found it obviously quicker than the ferry . I do hope that they tighten up the security re what they let on . I hope everyone is ok I think we will still stay loyal to the shuttle .


I think the people that lost their lives on the boat that had its bow door open forced us towards the shuttle .. Either way it is a worry and may never happen just something that niggles in the back of your mind .


Safe travel everyone .

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The Zeebrugge disaster was before the tunnel even opened. And the previous fatal short sea ferry disaster was so long before that that nobody can remember now!


And they have killed people in the Chunnel in a previous fire - not to mention the fairly frequent deaths of illegal immigrants falling from the outside of the carriages onto the tracks.


I just reported my experience with the tunnel delays. I didn't add the 'You can't do that!' unfriendly check-in staff, the gas sticker applied to a wing mirror removing a lot of paint with it. I've only ever had ferry delays with Sea France and I won't be using them again either!


Mel E


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This just goes to show how differant all our experiences are. I have used just about all the crossings and have been delayed at some time on all of them, it happens. I use Sea France these days, why, around £30 a journey at pretty much any time. The boats are pretty scruffy but I can live with that.
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Guest JudgeMental
handyman - 2008-09-12 4:47 PM


Mel E - 2008-09-12 2:14 PM




the gas sticker applied to a wing mirror removing a lot of paint with it.





They have never done that with me, just a check its off, and a red marker or sticky dot on the hang tag that goes on your rear view mirror :-S




But the ferries are such a miserable experience,.......filled with sun reading, tattooed, booze cruisers. Hardly a nice start to a break, I guess some of us feel more comfortable amongst this sort of company then others. I prefer to keep as far away from the not so great unwashed masses as possible (lol)

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This year for the first time we used the Chunnel (Tesco vouchers ... don't ya just love em!). We had spent the previous 3 years using the ferries. I must admit that the Chunnel is much easier and quicker and we have managed to get on an earlier crossing (evening) than our booked (morning) crossing without much ado, try doing that with some of the ferry companies! For us it's great as we stay with the van and the dogs, we can chill out if it's an evening crossing all we have to do is drive to our overnight stop (either Calais port of Cite Europe) and then we're in zzzzzz land.


The ferries do give more of a 'holiday' feel to the ... holiday! However, I'm not keen on leaving the dogs, although they don't seem to be bothered, and I really don't like they way they park you so tightly, especially when you then end up with a bus load of tourists traipsing by, scraping bags etc along your van bodywork and teasing the dogs. Also, I don't think the dogs appreciate it when they end up with a refrigerated lorry next door making a racket for the whole journey. Then there's the way that they secure the motorbikes ... right next to you ... now if one of those falls over whilst you're sailing .... believe me, having your camper damaged is NOT fun! Then you risk life and limb as you come down the stairs back to the van afterwards with everyone else jostling to get there quickly and nearly knocking you down.


I'd also much rather have to get out of the tunnel if needs be than try to get off the ferry into life boats ... or swimming! Especially since if we did have to abandon ship they wouldn't let us go and get our pets ... there's no way I'd leave them, that's for sure!!!!!! At least with the tunnel I get to stay with them and if we did have to leave in an emergency they'd come with us.


On our last tunnel trip, returning on Sunday last weekend, we rolled up, got the dogs check done, and as there was a while before the crossing, they let us keep the gas on and it was only checked shortly before we were 'loaded', no stickers were stuck to the van, we only had a 'dangly' from the internal mirror on which a label was put to show that we'd had the gas turned off.


Whilst we can get cheap crossings with Eurotunnel, I'll stick with them, if it gets to the point that we have to pay double what the ferry cost is then we might rethink, but then again, maybe not ... especially since the dogs seem to like looking for the fishes swimming by! :D

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It's been 12 years since the last Truck fire very nearly destroyed the tunnel,so the strict checking of the Trucks has obviously been relaxed (probably to save money !!) when WILL they learn.? I think that the carriages for trucks should have been be enclosed,so as to contain and isolate the fire with fire-proof doors. They only have to contain the fire for 30 mins or so,to clear the tunnel. Maybe the Insurer's will have a say in how the Freight side is run now... and definately NO inflammable liquids in bulk, I always thought they were banned anyway?? (a 40 Tonne lorry-load of Phenol makes our 15kg of propane look positively harmless). We can all be wise AFTER the event but most safety is just common sense,kept to a STRICT routine. :D :D
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JudgeMental - 2008-09-12 7:24 PM


handyman - 2008-09-12 4:47 PM


Mel E - 2008-09-12 2:14 PM




the gas sticker applied to a wing mirror removing a lot of paint with it.





They have never done that with me, just a check its off, and a red marker or sticky dot on the hang tag that goes on your rear view mirror :-S




But the ferries are such a miserable experience,.......filled with sun reading, tattooed, booze cruisers. Hardly a nice start to a break, I guess some of us feel more comfortable amongst this sort of company then others. I prefer to keep as far away from the not so great unwashed masses as possible (lol)


I disagree totally Judge. We recently crossed from Harwich to HoH and back and it was a great experience both times. We were loaded quickly. We got our cabin sorted out then went to the bar for a relaxing drink before bedtime. The crossing itself was as smooth as silk. On the return journey we went to the on board cinema and watched a film before having a relaxing drink and then bed. We experienced no jostling by crowds of "not so great unwashed" and there was not a single Sun newspaper to be seen.


If a ferry sinks I have a fighting chance of swimming but if the tunnel floods you have none! As for the choice of whether to drown or burn, well we each have to make our own minds up on that one but I can tread water for quite a while, I'm not so good at withstanding 1000 degrees of heat, choking on possibly lethal fumes or dying of asphyxiation.


You go with the tunnel if that is what you want but I'll stick to ferries and aeroplanes for getting across the water thanks.



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Totaly agree with Dave, We have never experienced Sun readers or the great unwashed, and in our case after driving 200 odd miles to the port its great to get out and walk around and breath fresh air and enjoy a drink and meal. It makes the holiday so much more fun. However everyone to their own ideas, the only time the tunnel seems like a good idea is when the sea crossing can be rough. Further more personaly, I dont like this snobbish attitude towards fellow passengers, even if they do read the SUN. (lol)
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JudgeMental - 2008-09-12 7:24 PM


handyman - 2008-09-12 4:47 PM


Mel E - 2008-09-12 2:14 PM




the gas sticker applied to a wing mirror removing a lot of paint with it.





They have never done that with me, just a check its off, and a red marker or sticky dot on the hang tag that goes on your rear view mirror :-S




But the ferries are such a miserable experience,.......filled with sun reading, tattooed, booze cruisers. Hardly a nice start to a break, I guess some of us feel more comfortable amongst this sort of company then others. I prefer to keep as far away from the not so great unwashed masses as possible (lol)


Do not know when you last went on a ferry Judge but it sounds like some time ago or perhaps you could not afford to go to a better area or restaurant to get away from people not up to your social standing. I do know the last time I used the tunnel was around two years ago, beginning of Feb. if my memory is working ok. I turned up without a ticket and was ripped of for £135 one way, this was in my car coming back from skiing. The train was half empty but had two coaches on it, one in my area one in next carriage. One was filled with French school kids running wild, the other with a load of what looked suspiciously like your tattooed Sun readers, escaped from ferry perhaps. Know on the ferry I could have escaped but on the train had to stick with it, know which I prefer, but as you say some of us are more comfortable than others with this situation.



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Guest JudgeMental
michele - 2008-09-13 10:08 AM


OMG you lot are so serious I think the judge is only having a lauff :D


Thanks Michele! It seems adding a smiley means nothing on this forum....... *-)


Did not realise how serious the fire was till I weatched the news this morning. At least no one was killed. More chance of that in a road tunnel I think.


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Well Id much rather use the Tunnel mainly because of the dog and its much faster it only seemed like 20mins to me when we crossed this time.


But I do think they should be more inspections on the lorries I know the phenol lorry wasnt involved in he fire But what if it had!! it would have been catastrophic! I suppose like everything else it comes down to money and if they were to stop he lorries using, it would be a huge loss of revenue. But I was impressed that there was no one badly injured and the rescue seemed to go smoothly even though it was down to one lorry driver with a hammer (apparently)

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Can I just apologise to all concerned regarding the tone this thread has taken since I posted it.

I originally posted it in case people were about to depart for their crossing and hadn't heard the news.  I thought it might have saved them a wasted journey.

The last thing I wanted to see was a somewhat heated Chunnel v Ferries mud fight.

Sorry about that.


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Hey W2G


Don't apologise! You haven't done anything wrong and to be honest I don't really think anyone else has, we're just giving different views and details of our experiences, nothing more. It's up to each person to decide which they prefer.:-S


Now if you want a mud fight ... there's plenty in my garden so come on over!!!!



Ooooo ... er ... Judge, now then, before you start getting all giddy and excited ... I'm only kidding your honour ... even though you loathe the great unwashed I do know of your penchant for a nice bit of mud wrestling ..... ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental


I have been so upset with all this criticism, I have booked up 10 return trips with P & O for next season and had this tattoo done today as well


Look forward to meeting you all :-D


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Came back via Sea France today. Made a BIG allowance for the boat but the queue,s in France for cars were small. The biggest thing we did right was to aproach the ferry terminal from town and not the motorway as the signs would direct you. The Motorway was used as a lorry park.

Similarly on arrival at Dover we thought it was a lot of fuss about a little fire until we reached J9 of the Motorway outside Dover. The eastbound carriageways were a lorry park, portaloos the lot! My NagSat stopped counting at 1200 parked lorries lines up waiting for a boat. Lots of police.

Poor sods.


The tunnel in my opinion is only fit for freight.





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