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solar panel charging

Brian Peters

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hello again, i recently posted a message regarding "fried leisure battery" the advice given was to just let the solar panel trickle charge the battery and not the elektrobloc charging unit. i can isolate the 12volt charging circuit by turning off the elecktrobloc unit but would this also stop the solar panel giving a charge????? i do need my mains on the van to run a dehumidifier, and in the winter a heater.

many thanks


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How big is your solar panel (watts)? Anything with a max rated output of over about 15 watts will eventually gas a battery dry. Only solution I can see is to put a proper charge controller between the panel and the battery. They start from less that the cost of a new battery!


Mel E


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I do not know just what the charging arrangements are in your van, so cannot give you a specific answer, but the following may be of help.


If your solar panel regulator is a separate unit and not a part of the mains to 12-volt unit, then almost certainly it will continue to charge the leisure battery when the mains to 12-volt unit is turned off.


I.e. if the regulator is connected directly to the leisure battery then the mains to 12-volt unit is irrelevant. This is the crucial bit, is the regulator separate to the mains to 12-volt unit and is it wired directly to the leisure battery?


Leaving the mains connected in order to run a dehumidifier would not pose a problem at all, provided the mains to 12-volt section is turned off.


Leaving or France in the morning, so I cannot comment further beyond this evening if you have any further queries........ Michael


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Mel E - 2008-09-12 2:07 PM


How big is your solar panel (watts)? Anything with a max rated output of over about 15 watts will eventually gas a battery dry. Only solution I can see is to put a proper charge controller between the panel and the battery. They start from less that the cost of a new battery!


Mel E



My MH is fitted with a 100w S.panel and the batteries(2) are directly connected to a small black box (presumably a regulator!). In your opinion how long would this solar charging gas the batteries dry ( assuming the MH is standing still for weeks).

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If the small black box is indeed a regulator, then there should be no problem with the batteries as it will cut off the current flow from the solar panel when the batteries are fully charged.


But a 100 watt panel is quite large and needs a minimum 10 amp regulator since its rated maximum output will be around 6 to 7 amps. It could be that your regulator, if that is what it is, is simply not up to the job.


However, parked up in the UK, you will never get close to 6 amps, since the angle of the sun (if you see any) reduces the solar input to the panel quite severely. So you either have a knackered charge regulator, or the box you think is one isn't.


Sorry, on meagre input can't do better than this!


Mel E


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