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Building the Millau viaduct


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yep they've done it several times on the Discovery Channel, I would have thought building it once was enough of a challenge.


It certainley looked scary when they were pushing it into place, and then just like when you're doing the last bit of bacon, the non stick coating decided to stick, hairy until they squirted some stuff in to free it. Then like all good french engineers they drove lots of lorries full of stone onto the bridge to see if it would take the load, brave or what?



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I gave the bridge a miss for a few months in case it wobbled like the foot bridge over the Thames designed by the same British architect.


Seriously I watched the last bit being put in place and thought how wonderful and magnificent it was. It's rare to see something like that built in out moder times. Most of the structures in the UK last about 20 years and look extremely ugly. There are a few exceptions however.

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My sons just back from France via biking with some friends and they went over the bridge and stayed below in a campsite overnight.

He's a structural engineer and does the 3D plans for one of the big superstores in Scotland.

I often hear him laughing at stories of Architects doing this and that and getting the praise, but as he says, all they do is draw what it will look like.

Designing it only goes so far as the structural engineers make it happen like in the case of those road sections getting pushed into place on the Millau Viaduct.

Bet you thought it would fall off the legs like everybody did.

Unreal as it was, well not one piece but two.

Curve, wind, slides, rams, jacks.

Bad enough jacking up the motorhome and making sure it doesn't move.



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By the way Lord Foster is a nice old guy, met him at Dundee University, as he was getting a Degree himself and handing out them to the students. He reminded me of that old Injun in the Clint Eastwood film Jose Wailes, same tan, same white hair, thought it was him.

Was it Chief George ??

The start of handing out the University degrees was held up due to him flying in late from St Tropez. Lucky, must have loads of money..



PS; Foster, designer, you got it.


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