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Shaving on 12v - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

Tony Jones

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At last we're completely self-contained!


The one item we still had which would only work on mains was my rechargeable shaver. It would last a few days between charges, but then needed a mains hook-up or a shaver point somewhere.


I've just had my new one delivered - a Philishave - from www.shavers.co.uk who have also supplied a 12v charger for it. Total cost £73, but worth it.


Of course there may still be times when mains is useful, but never essential. Since we have a refillable "Gaslow" system, even the fridge is probably cheaper to run on gas then paying for a hook-up. The gas, which costs around £6-7 to fill from empty, will last a full week even with both of us having showers every day, and the leisure battery has proved it can serve us for at least 8 days without starting the engine.


Free at last!




PS now all I need is an efficient rainwater collecting system to keep the tank filled up!!

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Tony Jones - 2008-09-17 2:32 Pm


EDIT: All these repeats are because I was trying to add another picture, but it won't let me!


That's a relief then!

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