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Provoking or just plain rude??


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Hi all,


After being unable to travel on Eurotunnel at the weekend we ended up on a Seafrance ferry. In front of us in the queue waiting to book in was a Swift motorhome with the att. notice on it. Both my OH and myself felt it was quite aggressive and rude. We were actually embarrassed that the vehicle had a GB sticker on it. :-(


Maybe it was the effect of mixing with really friendly motorhome owners and caravanners of all nationalities for 2 weeks in the sun, then seeing this - what do other people think?? :-S


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Guest JudgeMental

with the amount of rear ending going on this may well be enough to save you, by grabing the attention of a not so careful driver behind you....and get him to back off


I don't think I would for the same reaons as you, and it will be pointless if we all did it as no one would then take any notice *-)


Your attitude will change once you are less mellow after your trip lol


One day back in south London and I encountered numerous incidences of the worst driving I have ever seen anywhere....., it’s all young people using cars aggressively.


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Only a fool breaks the two second rule.


Unfortunately one mans safe braking distance is anothers window of opportunity and thats how a lot of so called 'accidents' happen. Being rear ended hurts and can seriously ruin your day or your life. It may not be worded in a totally P C fashion, but it gets the message across really well.


I get very uncomfortable when I have some looney 2ft 6inches off my back bumper and I will touch my brake pedal with my left foot to put my brake lights on. This normally has the desired effect and they back off a bit.


Check the results of this clip on You Tube and keep a close eye on your rear view mirror.


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Good sign and I can think of another!




I watched a woman yesterday on the M6, (not a sexist thing here I've seen men doing it too!) texting as she drove. She hadn't noticed the stationary traffic ahead. At the last minute she must have noticed the brake lights and slammed on. She stopped about a foot from the car in front. Mental behaviour >:-)

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I agree with jenny. It's aggressive and over the top. Drivers often 'close up' to enable an overtaking move. The person with the stupid sign probably tootles along at a speed which ensures a long line of traffic behind him..(its gotta be a fella). 

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I think it's quite acceptable.


We have too many moronic imbecilic drivers who always tailgate and they need to get it into the gerbil-sized brains that tailgating is very dangerous.


I would like to have fitted to my van a stinger that could be released from inside the van to use on occasions where drivers follow me at a distance of about a cars length.


Why do so many people think that if you are driving at a speed of only 130% of the speed limit you are pootling along?


No matter what speed the vehicle in front is doing driving dangerously behind him/her is never justified.


When people tailgate me I automatically slow down significantly to make allowances for the extra stopping distance I will need to avoid the idiot behind running into me.


Perhaps they will learn that tailgating only slows then down.


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A more appropriate sign is the one that says,



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Tomo3090 - 2008-09-18 9:06 PM


Good sign and I can think of another!




I watched a woman yesterday on the M6, (not a sexist thing here I've seen men doing it too!) texting as she drove. She hadn't noticed the stationary traffic ahead. At the last minute she must have noticed the brake lights and slammed on. She stopped about a foot from the car in front. Mental behaviour >:-)


Stephen, I can go one better I think, at traffic lights the other day, I clocked a person, (female, for those who need to know), with not one phone but two!!.


One in each hand, goodness knows what she was doing, bluetoothing, swapping numbers, whatever. The commotion when the lights changed was pure theatre.


I was able to observe this safely as her lane had a filter on and I was stationary.



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Having recently been tailgated at 60+ mph by a 40 ton artic that really wouldn't go a away over quite a distance, I'd say the sentiment is justified.


Yes it's a sad world but some drivers really deserve a bit of rudeness.


I quite fancy a scrolling display where you could select your own message. Some messages would be VERY rude! 8-)

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Most, if not all, trucks have limiters which would prevent them exceeding 60mph, set at 56mph, are you sure you where going 60+ or was that what the speedo read. My rule with trucks is to keep out their way, either by traveling faster than them or making sure they can safely overtake.
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bob b - 2008-09-18 9:28 PM

I agree with jenny. It's aggressive and over the top. Drivers often 'close up' to enable an overtaking move. The person with the stupid sign probably tootles along at a speed which ensures a long line of traffic behind him..(its gotta be a fella). 

One person's 'closing up' for an overtaking move is another's 'getting too bloody close and driving agressively'. Overtaking should be done from safe distance back from the vehicle in front. What if the guy in front had to slam on his anchors because of stationary traffic (like the video clip)'Tootling along sounds the safest way to me' Don't try it with me, My Sign reads ' Stay at a safe distance,this vehicle is prone to sudden extreme braking for no apparent reason ! Are You Ready ?? :D :D
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colin - 2008-09-20 8:35 PM


Most, if not all, trucks have limiters which would prevent them exceeding 60mph, set at 56mph, are you sure you where going 60+ or was that what the speedo read. My rule with trucks is to keep out their way, either by traveling faster than them or making sure they can safely overtake.


These days I try to stick to 60mph to use less fuel, I know speedos on cars and vans are supposed to be less accurate than on HGVs, but I am fairly sure mine is quite accurate by the reaction I get from the 'smiley face' and 'your speed signs'. I find it hard to believe that these limiters are either fitted or work on a lot of HGVs, or perhaps they are all taking advantage of going down hill when they overtake me. Drive from London to Dover and see how many overtake you, or are continental hgv's not fitted with limiters.

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Maybe it's limitted to truckers in the south, at 60 I have no problems overtaking HGV's, here in the frozen north. But I try and let them go their own way, afterall we're enjoying the drive, they're working and you know how hard it is driving reasonably when someone decides to close your braking or manouvering space off. B-)
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RDG - 2008-09-22 12:25 PM

These days I try to stick to 60mph to use less fuel, I know speedos on cars and vans are supposed to be less accurate than on HGVs, but I am fairly sure mine is quite accurate by the reaction I get from the 'smiley face' and 'your speed signs'. I find it hard to believe that these limiters are either fitted or work on a lot of HGVs, or perhaps they are all taking advantage of going down hill when they overtake me. Drive from London to Dover and see how many overtake you, or are continental hgv's not fitted with limiters.


If you are regulary getting trucks overtake you then in all probality your speedo is overreading, in a lot of cases limiters cause problems the other way round when one truck has a 1/2mph advantage spending couple of miles trying to overtake,.

My view is this, in general I will keep out of way of trucks by either going faster than them or only going slower if on a quite motorway where they can easily overtake.We are usualy on a pleasure trip they are working, they are on limited hours and need to make time wherrever possible, if a trucker gets stuck behind you it can be dangerous to you and other road users, they will be looking to overtake, so may be looking in their mirrors to find a gap instead of the road ahead, they may pull out in a 'small' gap(or no gap) in frustration, holding up traffic in other lanes.

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Although I agree in general with the sentiments expresseed in this sign I don't think it is a good idea to put any sign on the back of your vehicle which is likely to annoy following drivers.

A tailgater becomes much more dangerous if he is an angry tailgater.


...just ask yourself...


do you ever allow the driver in front to tell YOU what to do ?





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grocer jack - 2008-09-23 8:58 AM


So, what is the right way to deal with tailgaters, the number of which seems to have increased greatly in the last 6 months?




A 'helpful' sign:




When people drive

close behind me

I get nervous and

tend to






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