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On our last motorhome fitted with such a step, we found that this happened to us. As always you think I'll sort it later. We didn't get round to later until it was to late - the step stayed stuck out in a carpark while we were on holiday and he ended up under the van dismantelling the step so we could carry on our holiday!


It seems that all the road spray gets chucked up and no real heavy duty protection is offered to it. You may be suffering from a totally different problem to ours, but I wouldn't leave it like we did til later!

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I think this has been a previous thread, on my brothers motor home the problem was solved by taking the switch off and lubricating the contacts. Also worth checking is the switch which is behind a rubber cover at the back of the step and collects all the road dirt, again a clean and lube should do it.


little jack

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As your step automatically retracts when your motorhome's engine starts there's clearly nothing wrong with the step's electric motor and retraction mechanism.


Auto-retraction essentially involves a supplementary relay (and mildly modified wiring circuit) that 'mimics' retraction via the manual step switch. Logically, if the step won't retract via the manual switch, then there's something wrong with the switch itself, with the connections to it, or with the wiring between switch, relay and/or step.


I think you are just going to have to employ your trusty multi-meter and check out what's happening. The usual problem seems to be that the step will manually retract but not automatically and there have been a few earlier postings about this. See the following:




This doesn't deal with your particular fault, but it does refer to the Omnistor website that may prove helpful.

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THanks to all, still having the problem after spending another 2 hours on it.



Thanks for the link.The wiring goes behind the pannelling covering the Fridge so from this dia. it may be the relay is alsoi behind the pannelling. The motor home is a FIAT LUNAR ROADSTAR 570 has anyone ideas of how to get behind the Fridge.

I am beginning to think like you Clive that although the switch seems to test ok it might be worth changing, any ideas where I can get one from would be appreciated. Still hoping


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