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Stellplatz at Aachen


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Has anybody managed to find this please? We purchased the new Camperstop book this year and paid for the POI downloads for our TomTom for France, Germany, Italy & Austria. On the way home from Tuscany earlier this month we headed for the Stellplatz listed for Aachen, ended up driving through the town centre, down an unsigned dead end road and eventually were told we had reached our destination behind some residential homes (in their parking bays). 8-) There were various other MHs dotted around the surrounding streets, so we can only guess we all had the same problem.


The road we were in was correct, the lat / long given was also correct for where we were BUT no sign of the Stellplatz for over 40 MHs, with electric, water facilities & showers etc. for 10 Euros per night. Not good news after a 400 mile driving day! :-( (We had driven further than 1st planned as we had just been warned about the fire in the Tunnel and Eurotunnel had advised us to make our way back asap to get us on a boat home.)


As our 1st use (or trying to use) an Aire we were not impressed. Also, tainted our view of Germany slightly as on our 1st visit (driving down to Italy) OH took his watch off in the rest room of a service station in Germany to wash his face, didn't see anybody else in there, dried his face and the watch was gone >:-(


We still don't know how anybody could have entered, swiped it, and disappeared again in a matter of seconds. I was outside the door and didn't see anybody come out either. He was mightily upset as the watch was the 1st present I had given him 32 years ago and still kept perfect time. I know it is stupid but it did taint our views at the time. *-)

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There are two Stellplatz in Aachen


Town Centre N50º 45’42. E6º 6’11.00


Outer Town N50º 47’13.524 E6º 7’49.08


On the town centre one you can see the motorhomes on Google maps.


I've been driving in Germany for 56 years and never had a problem yet. Tell OH (who ever that is) to put his watch in his pocket then he won't loose it unless he's got a hole in his pocket of course. :-D



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Thanks Bounty Hunter - at least we know it exists now.


Thanks too Don - checked on Google and that was the one we were hoping to stay at - we may give it another shot some time. I will check out the Lat/Long to the one picked up from the POI purchased - maybe if we hadn't been so tired and changed our minds about our return journey (or should that be "had it changed for us"?) we would have been able to find it.... :-S


OH is my husband - sorry, being too lazy to type properly but my lunch break is nearly finished *-)

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For those planning a trip to the German Christmas markets the following stellplatz are very convenient.





Town Centre N50º 45’42.00 E6º 6’11.00

Outer Town N50º 47’13.524 E6º 7’49.08



Town Centre N 51º 14’10 E 6º 46’18



Town Centre N50º 21’44.028 E7º 35’21.408

Outer Town N50º 20’48.3 E7º 30’21.06



Riehl N50º 57’48.56 E6º59’03.30

Marsdorf N50º 54’58 E6º 50’49



Messepark N49º44’18.19 E6º37’22.97



Centre N49º 37’54 E8º 22’36


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We are hoping to stay at Aachen on the weekend 2 weeks before christmas, do you think we will have a problem with spaces?


Friends have booked on line to stay on the adjoining muncipal as they have a caravan but have heard nothing back from the site office, is this usual or should they be worried? Would it be better for them to ring and get confirmation of their booking?




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Mandy&Andy - 2008-09-25 3:08 PM


We are hoping to stay at Aachen on the weekend 2 weeks before christmas, do you think we will have a problem with spaces?


Friends have booked on line to stay on the adjoining muncipal as they have a caravan but have heard nothing back from the site office, is this usual or should they be worried? Would it be better for them to ring and get confirmation of their booking?





Hi Mandy,


Get there early in the day and you should be OK. Your friends can stay on the Stellplatz with you as caravans are allowed to use them. Not many people know that. :-D :-D



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Jenny, sorry to hear of the unfortunate incident, re Your husbands watch.

That must have been very upsetting for you both, It cant be replaced can it? I lost a beautiful bracelet while at Thruxton a few years back, which held sentimental value to me, and the strange thing is I still miss it. How did the rest of your holiday go,? I know you were very excited about going.

Regards Ria.

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Be careful using sat nav alone to find POI/aires. We did this earlier this month to find one that was supposed to be near a campsite. We duly followed the sat nav instructions to take us to the POI however we drew the line when it tried to take us down a grassy track between 2 fishing ponds! It turned out that the aire was just on the other side of the ponds and the sat nav mapping had the grass track down as a road ... we eventually found it by backing out and going along the main road a bit further and managed to spot the camp site signs, the aire was located at the back of the site adjacent to the ponds (but you couldn't see the campsite from the other side of the ponds). It was a nice stop, cost 2 euros a night for what was in effect the fishing pond car park, nice and quiet with a pleasant walk around the ponds if an evening stroll was desired.


We've never had a problem with daft roads but we have found with the new Tom Tom mapping that it seems to like these silly types of "roads"!!!

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Hi Mel,


I found the same problem when I was in Brittany earlier this year especially in urban areas.


It was my first trip abroad using the sat nav and being solo it caused me problems a couple of times.


Being new to sat nav's I'm still at the stage where I don't rely on it totally.



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We had the same problem earlier this year but found the stellplatz just down the road. Since then we have stayed a few times and found it very good for visiting friends in the town.


Once we found the place we put it on tom tom usung the gps position. Now it takes us straight there.


Have fun, Sooty

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ohgrandma - 2008-09-25 3:36 PM


Jenny, sorry to hear of the unfortunate incident, re Your husbands watch.

That must have been very upsetting for you both, It cant be replaced can it? I lost a beautiful bracelet while at Thruxton a few years back, which held sentimental value to me, and the strange thing is I still miss it. How did the rest of your holiday go,? I know you were very excited about going.

Regards Ria.


Thanks Ria - we were both upset but reasoned the thief obviously needed it more than David did. Still rankles though! We had a fabulous time thank you - as good as we could hope for - 32 -34 degrees every day in Italy. We got our Leveltronic legs sorted at last at the manufacturers (they are a dream to use now!), caught a train to visit Venice, whilst camped on a site in the Dolomites; Moved closer to Florence (Firenze) and caught a bus there from the site; moved nearer Pisa and drove the Smart car 11 miles right into town, parking almost next to the tower, then drove to Lucca - wonderful. Drove and cycled to Lakes, the Med, mountains - I could go on.......the joys of motorhoming (lol)


Shopped at Auchan near Verona on the return journey and got home 6 hours early, courtesy of Eurotunnel / SeaFrance. Wonderful :-> Can't wait to go again. B-)


We also managed to buy some locally hand crafted terracota items from Tuscanyand thanks to the MH we were able to bring them back easily. (lol) Already planning next years's trip B-)


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Hello Jenny, Pleased to hear you had such a wonderful time, and managed to fit so many different places in.My son has been to a few of the cities you mentioned,I have seen some photo's. really beautiful.

The weather was also very kind to you. and since your return home it has been very good too, You were lucky with the Ferry back weren't you ?

Although when I used to travel I never wanted to come back, such beautiful places to see,

So you are already planning another trip. and why not? I think it's

great fun to plan ahead, But sadly not for me anymore. I had many happy years of Caravanning/ motorhomming as well.It is just great to read about other peple's adventures now, Thanks for your reply. Ria.

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Don't bother with the out of town one at Aachen, it's on a Hotel car park with no facilities, even though it say's there is in the Bordatlas book. I wouldn't bother going in for a meal either as it's pretty damn pricey.
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Hi Mel B

The Aire you mentioned sounds like the one at Villers-Charlemagne, we were the only ones there in June.

Regarding using satnav I tend to let it take me to a point close to the town where the aire is, and then use itinerary planning to chose my own roads. Some may say ,whats the use of satnav if you have to refer to a map. However it saves problems especially when driving alone, and after all satnav is just another useful tool, learn to use it properly and you get all the benefits

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