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Camping together at the shows? Mr Moderator


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Not sure where to put this thread but seeing as Mr Mod. checks all it should be seen.


Is there any reason that the Out and About Live forum cannot get a certicficate from DEFRA which would entitle members to be able to book in the club area of Warners shows, so that they can be camped together instead of being thrown to the 4/5/6/ corners of the camping ground. Seeing as this forum is actually in the Warners Group. I realize that someone would have to go down as head honcho preferably someone from Warners in the application but is this difficult. From what I remember years ago I believe there is no cost but maybe by now a small cost. If started now it might be granted by the start of next showseason.

It would enable members to be located near each other in the group area of the showground without having to book general and arrive at the same time to be parked near each other.

Do any other forum members think that this would be a good idea/thing to happen?

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Nice idea Maggie but someone will have to steward each meet - which means getting there first - and maybe missing some show day time whilst being 'on the door' to keep the rabble out?


If there is a cost maybe a whip round will help poor old hard pressed Warners out a bit financially as it would be worth a quid or two to be awy from generators, yapping dogs, squealing kids and smokey bbqs which seems the norm in the general camping area!


I wonder where the people that man the MMM tent stayed at Pickering?


Any thoughts from Warners I wonder?

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Chatterdog, good thread, well put, I had spoken to Mike before the Pickering show, looks promising, he said he would try and help for next year so it looks like it could happen, then we would have the choice whether to camp together if we choose, it does seem strange to me that Motorhome fun/ Motorhome facts and other forum based groups camp at Warners shows and yet their own forum has not had the choice, being as Mike only has 8 posts you have done really well getting such a quick response. Carol.
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Warners would not have to apply to DEFRA for an "Certificate of Exeption" in order to place MMM readers together at their shows.


Public shows do not fall under the "C of E" regulations as held by the C.C. or C.C.C.. which cover "club rallies" on private land. The show is open to the public so the rule does not apply.


If Warners had the will to give it a try they would find that it is no more difficult than putting other groups together eg. Hymer Club, Knaus owners.


Regarding booking. All bookings go through Warners, so it would be easy for anyone to enter the MMM area onto the ticket application form.


Of course the area would have to be manned, but then the general area is manned.

So, come on Warners, do something for your many readers!


However, if MMM readers wanted to meet/rally together at private venues away from shows then these would have to be arranged under an Exemption Certificate which Warners would have to apply for. Lots of small groups hold these certificates. Eg. Barclays Bank, Retired Caravanners Assoc., Owners club, CSMA, etc.

The only additional expense is Public Liability insurance.

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Don,t see why this should be to complicated. Often travel to venues with friends and family which sometimes comprises up to five different units arriving at different times. All its ever taken is a few polite words explaining the situation to one of the Marshals and space has always been made available where we can all pitch up together.

Appreciate things can be a bit more complicated than this, but it would be a start until there is a need for more planning and organisation.

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