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I need a double change over switch to operate my Omni step. The cost from the supplier is £30 plus. How on earth can they justify this cost. Can anyone come up with a supplier of self restoring rocker switches. Normal rocker switches can be had for under £3 but if possible I want to use a self restoring switch if at all possible.


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CAK Tanks Ltd (www.caktanks.com) offers a "single momentary 3-way On-Off-On switch" that's specifically designed to operate an electric step. It's made by CBE and (according to my 2008 CAK price list) costs £5.92. The part no in the CAK catalogue is MCG5/G. I believe the switch is grey in colour and, for tidiness, you'd also need the appropriate 'trim surround' (about £1.30).


However, possible snags with trying to use an alternative switch to the genuine Omnistor product are (assuming you've got the same switch as my Hobby's) that it may not be straightforward to get the replacement to fit properly in the original hole (the CAK switch is square), and the cable-connectors on the replacement switch may differ from those of the Omnistor switch. I remember, when I fitted the step to my Hobby, cursing Omnistor for using (for no apparent good reason) narrow connectors into which quite large gauge wires needed to be fitted. OK, I'm sure it hurts to pay over the odds for this item but, if you use the genuine article, then fitting the replacement switch should be quick and uncontroversial.


(Regarding your final sentence, I can't see how you can use anything other than a switch that operates in the same manner as Omnistor's original - it just wouldn't be a practical proposition.)



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Tread carefully gents. The switch for an omnistep is not a straightforward double pole change over switch. See here :-




When you press one side of the switch one half of the switch changes over. When you press the other side of the switch then the other half changes over. The two halves do NOT operate simultaneously.



I don,t have the name of a supplier as I would have provided this on the original post, but I had one to fault find and dismantled the lot!


£4.00 to £7.00 sounds about right.


Alternatively a couple of automotive relays and a centre off single pole change over switch could be made to do the same job.







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