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`first visit to france with a motorhome about 5 years ago great holiday decided to visit Reims found nice car park close to centre ville went off did usual tourest things came back to m/h and dead battery.Hunt through paper work found AA bits phoned got a german . Hung up phoned AA england (cost £20) he sent a guy out with a flatbed truck to long to fit into carpark He got another french guy to jump our m/h nothing except a lot of smoke coming through the dash board .Don t worry said french guy just fumme (smoke) .Earth lead had it in very broken english I take van we the had to push our Talbot autoquest 320 out of the car park even with several french guys helping it was heavy.Once we got to his truck he relised my wife was in a wheel chair ok he said put your sat belts on and he winched us up onto the truck .Now I should say its about 6 o clock and rush hour ever one staring at us as we went through Remis at rate of knots in the m/h on the back of flat bed scary but fun .We were then put in a hotel for 3 nights while the part was found it had to come from england couldn t believe that it wasn't till after it was all over we realised what we had done and the what ifs .The rest of the holiday went with out fault but at the hotel we spoke to two other english familys who broke down in the same car park .The embaresment of turning up at hotel with carrier bags we now carry an empty sports bag but have never needed it.
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