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(Oops - sorry about empty mail) - Newbie help, please


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We are about to jump into (sorry - looks like I managed to send a blank message just now...) Motorhoming for the first time and have looked at so many vehicles in various dealers that our heads are spinning.!


We are very taken with an Elldis Autostratus EB2000 we saw today at what seems like the median dealer price and wonder whether there is anyone there who can tell us of their experiences with this model. Would it be a good place to start?


Our intention is to use it in this country and on the continent for several weeks at a time (two and a wonderful border collie).


All advice welcome.







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Don't know anything about the van you suggest. But you could start by listing all the attributes you think are essential in a Motorhome and look for a van that meets most if not all of these requirements. :D
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I have never had one but the EB2000 looks like as good a place to start as any as it has the many desirable attributes (if I've got the right one?) of an end 'U' shaped lounge/bed, a 'pullman' style dinette and an overcab bed.


The washroom is, I think, a decent size and about the only comments that I can make of concern would be that there is a lack of kitchen work surfaces (but you can use the dining table), the 2.5 diesel is a bit agricultural so make sure you drive the van at cruising speeds before you buy it, and that at 24' long it will be interesting parking it in supermarket and/or pay car parks where you will need at least two parking bays and maybe even 4 if the access is tight!


Other than that a good van and a warm welcome from one lunatic border collie owner (lunatic dog and owner that is) to another to the 'nomadic' brigade and to the madhouse aka the Forum.

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If I were you I wouldn't "jump into motorhoming" - I would take a step at a time.

Think about: where will you keep it, think about size, size affects fuel consumption, (and fuel ain't going to get cheaper ).

How easy is it to park. Where will you go ? Are you concerned about ferry prices, which depend on size.


When you've thought about/ decided that I would suggest you then visit one or more shows so you see a wide range of what's available, and not just look at the comparatively small range held by a dealer.


Take your time - it an expensive item so you need to get it right.



Good luck and happy travels






;-) ;-)

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With an 8-year old motorhome - whatever the make/model - condition will be critical and you'll need to be particularly wary of water ingress. Also beware of elderly tyres and cam-belt. Assuming that you will be buying through a dealer (preferably a dealer within a shortish distance from where you live), then make sure a realistic warranty is provided. I'd guess that a turbo-diesel motor was fitted to a 2000 Autostratus as standard but, if that was not the case and there's a choice between turbocharged or non-turbo motor, avoid the latter.


As you've no experience of motorcaravanning , I strongly suggest you obtain one (or several) of the books on the subject written with newcomers in mind. See:



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Hi Martin and welcome to the forum.


It is always difficult to advise anyone of the 'right' vehicle for them as it is such a personal choice and based on your own needs but the advice given so far will go a long way to helping you make up your mind as to whether this particular van suits those needs.


My only contribution is also applicable to any van you look at.


Try to see past the initial layout and looks. That seating may look great but try making up the bed and then lying on it - is it easy to make up/put away every day? Are all the cushions used in the bed makeup or do you have to find somewhere to store some of them for the night? Are they comfortable for sitting on AND sleeping on?


Try to imagine how you would use the van, Get into the bathroom and run through your morning routine - is there room around the sink to wash properly without bashing your head? Enough elbow room in the shower? Rooom to sit and ponder?


Stand in the kitchen and imagine where you will put all the pots, pans, cutlery/utensils, electric items like kettle, toaster and , most of all, how meals will be prepared, cooked and served. Think of the storage you will need in the kitchen, bathroom and outside.


Several big issues to take into account are payload (the amount of weight you are allowed to carry when everything else is taken into account. You may know about this already but check it thoroughly as it is not stamped anywhere on the vehicle but needs to be suffcient to carry both of you, the collie and everything you use such as food, water/drinks, clothes, lotions and potions, towels/bedding, etc - in fact evrything you can think of. If you are at all unsure ask the dealer to get it weighed and provide a weight certificate.


I'm not sure if the van is under 3500kg but if it is over this then check your licence to see if you are entitled to drive it - basically, if you passed your test before 1 January 1997 you will probably have grandfather rights to drive any vehicle up to 7500kg but, if not, you must take a further test to do so - sorry if this is going over old ground for you but it is surprising how many people are not aware of such issues and salespeople, generally, either don't or won't advise of such things.


Also check out that the services - such as water/waste capacity, 12v supply (twin or single battery? what ah?), gas capacity etc are sufficient for you.


Most of all, don't let any of this be too daubting - the finding/buying process can be just as enjoyable as the using of it!!


Good luck,



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Hi Martin, just wanted to welcome you to the camping group.


I second everything said because, although I was very lucky in my impulse buy, there are aspects of my van which would have made me choose another one ..... namely the bed above the cab. I have an Eldiss Autocirrus 200 and I really really love it..... but the steps going up to the bed are at a really straight rightangle and make it impossible to get out of bed in the night. Seems only a small thing, but it can mar me from having a good night's sleep. Look, think, try out EVERYTHING and ask, ask, ask.


Look forward to hearing your progress.



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What a friendly and helpful forum this is!


Thanks to all for the hints and tips - some of them we had already worked out, but others are new to us and we will act on them.


We have decided that the Elddis that started his thread isn't quite what we want, but it certainly does tick many of the points on the checklist (which will grow a bit as we learn more!). I somehow doubt we will ever get something that will tick every single box, but each time we have a really close look at a van we learn so much more.


I hope it won't be too long before we sort ourselves out now.


Thanks again for all your replies.





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