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underfloor heating

Brian Peters

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has anyone got underfloor heating? i own a 2005 burstner t-710 with an underfloor heating system installed. the manufacturer is FOILPOINT, i dont have an instruction manual for this unit, it has a four position switch on the top, the first position is 0 (i presume this is off) the 2nd position is 20volts, the 3rd position is 22volts and the 4th position is 24volts, there is also what looks like a reset button in a clear rubber dome next to the switch, the problem is that whatever position i try the switch in the floor does not appear to heat up, there is no light built into the unit to tell you that its actually on?Has anyone got one of these units, if so what position should i have the switch in and does it actually warm the floor up well?




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I provided a link on your other posting, but I'll repeat it here:




A GOOGLE-search also retrieves some information on FOILPOINT.


(I hesitate to say this, but I presume you are aware that this is a 230V-powered system and your motorhome will need to be on mains hook-up for it to function.)

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I did find an inquiry about the Foilpoint system on a German motorhome forum. This involved the buyer of a 7 year old Dethleffs discovering in a cupboard a mysterious black-box marked "Foilpoint KKV 140-230/0-20-22-24V" that the motorhome dealer had told him was an inverter. He was directed to the Foilpoint website (www.foilpoint.com) that you are obviously aware of.


I would guess the system is pretty straightforward - probably just a 230V supply to a step-down transformer (the black box in the German thread) that feeds power to the underfloor heating cables via a heat-level selection switch. If you are absolutely sure the system on your Burstner isn't working (it's likely to be quite slow to warm up), then I think all you can do is check for electrical activity at the transformer and switch and pray that the problem doesn't lie in the heating cables themselves.


You might try PM-ing bertieburstner and RonB, both of whom posted on the 2006 thread, as they will have practical experience of this system and may have technical details of it. Phoning Burstner UK (01388 537960) might also be worthwhile.

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This sounds like the system that came with a Burstner 681 we once owned. Basically, it comprised an electric matrix of wires sandwiched between the wooden floor surface and its covering. It ran on 230v through an inverter and consumed 2 amps. Ours only had a switch for either on or off.


It's basically a 'foot warmer' and, to be honest, was pretty useless in anything above freezing weather. You can just about feel a difference in floor temperature, in patches and in bear feet, even then. No heat gets to the underfloor space if the vehicle has a double floor.


Unfortunately, this system was sold to us by Chelston Motorhomes as the van having 'electric underfloor heating' which to my way of thinking is way off the mark in motorhome terms. My understanding of underfloor heating is something that, electrical in this case, keeps your water systems free from freezing up. However, thats another story.


Just be careful if you drill/cut through your floor for any reason!

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I've just read the comment by Derek on the original thread relating to this subject and I am the RonB as in my previous incarnation!


If anyone is wondering as to why the change, it's because for some reason I became locked out of the forum (not guilty m'lud) and no matter what I did I could not get back in as RonB. One unfortunate result of this is the re-classification of me as a new boy and confusing one member into accusing me of not having the experience of offering any advice! You can't win.


Incidentally, how did the original thread re-appear? I thought these were on a read only basis.

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Hi Ron,


Your reincarnation as ron. explains why I couldn't find recent RonB postings. I thought you might have been slumming it on the MotorHomeFacts forum, but the answer was simpler.


As far as ancient postings are concerned, as far as I'm aware even the earliest (January 2005) can be accessed and added to should one be so inclined.

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