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Webasto Heater Controls


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I have a control system composed of a circular knob, which I assume to be a thermostat which has a switch built in.

As a separate element, there is on oblong panel with a window giving various numbers, apparently times. This panel also has several push buttons with arrows and a flame symbol.

I have been trying for close on 18 months to acquire the correct operating instructions ( from my dealer and Webasto UK) to go with these controls. All I have got so far relate to a single control which is a combined panel and thermostat. The workings do not tally with mine.

It seems that there is a facility to pre-set time to switch on.


Does anybody have a copy of Webasto instructions which match my description they could let me have please?





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You haven't said which Webasto heater your motorhome is fitted with, but I remember a Webasto leaflet that I'm pretty sure was entitled "Operating Instructions Air Top 3500/5000 Heaters". From what I recall, this leaflet described the operation of a timer panel that I think matches your description.


I've got some soft-copy Webasto stuff and I thought this leaflet was amongst this: unfortunately it doesn't seem to be. If you don't already have this leaflet and you think it might be useful, then (if you ask Webasto specifically for it) I would have thought they should be able to provide you with a copy. My Webasto contact (a while back it needs saying) was with a Mr Paul Gofton who was very helpful.


If all else fails, PM me and I'll see what I can do. I recollect that operation of the timer panel was particularly non-intuitive and that it would be difficult to use without the proper instructions.

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I think it is probably the 5000 but have not found a data plate as yet to confirm this. I do have a set of instructions, in about six different languages, but they relate to the integral type of control, not the type I have with two separate parts. Webasto also sent me the same set again.

I'm sure there should be a facility to set a "time-on". It would have been handy last week in Germany, we had frost two mornings and guess who was volunteered to switch the heating on?


Cheers again



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I've now found a hard-copy version of the leaflet I mentioned.


It's 3-pages long - Page 1 provides maintenance/safety information, plus a description of the basic rotary heater control-switch, the start-up process and a 'ventilation' option; Page 2 describes Standard and Combination Timers; Page 3 covers trouble-shooting.


Regarding the timer, there are drawings of the two types and the main technical difference between the two is (apparently) that the Standard Timer has a wake-up alarm function and the Combination Timer incorporates a rotary temperature control-switch (which I believe removes the need for a separate rotary heater control-switch).


Visually the timer control-panels are similar. Each has a wider-than-high rectangular design, with "Webasto" in the top-left corner, a central offset-to-the-left digital display and five buttons on the panel's lower face. From left-to-right, the buttons carry the following icons - a clock face (time), a "P" (program selection), 3 upwards-wriggling arrows (instant heating), left-pointing arrow (reverse), right-pointing arrow (forward).


There is a caveat that "the Combination Timer can only be used on Air Top 2000/3500/5000 heaters which allow the temperature to be pre-selected", but the actual operating and programming procedures (eg. setting time/day of week, programming heater starting-time and duration of operating time) are the same for both types of timer.


So, even if you only have literature for a Combination Timer (which sounds possible from what you've said), it should still be straightforward for you to implement the functions available on a Standard Timer. The exception would be the wake-up alarm function, but that's easy enough to select.


I can post the leaflet to you if you PM me with your address, but, if you already have Webasto's operating instructions for a Combination Timer that matches the description I gave above, I doubt that this would help much.


(I presume you've tried operating your Timer based on the Webasto instructions you have and that the Timer does show signs of life when you do this.)

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