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habitation door security

Guest JudgeMental

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We bought one when they were 1st launched at the 2007 Newark Show and think its the Ds Bs its a good visual deterant easy to use and you can exit in an emergency if needs be and you cannot lock youself out.

When in France a lot of  european motorhomers have asked me where they could obtain one after they had watched me fitting ours , so i gave them the web address its simple but effective.

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The important thing before buying a Brightlock is to be sure that it will fit correctly to the external door-handle of your motorhome, and I'm not sure that will be true for a Eura Mobil Profila A.


Brightlock should deter the opportunist thief anticipating gaining entry into the vehicle by sticking a screwdriver into the door-handle's lock, but it won't protect against a more robust attack (eg. levering open the door with a sturdy pry-bar) when strong dead-bolts would be needed to minimise the chance of someone getting in.

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We looked at them two years ago at the NEC. Impressive but thought the price was a bit hefty (around £70 at the time if memory serves).


I notice they are now down to about £45 so will probably have another look if they are available at the NEC next week.



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Good Evening M'Lord, have you considered the Fiama grab handle that locks across the door when not in use as a grab handle. I think they are about as secure as you could make any lock for the door. If you go to the Fiama web site all the diagrams & dimentions for two sizes are there, and when you get old it makes climbing the step easier.........About £47 or £53 depending on which size......
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Just a point that may be worth noting about the Fiamma handle, if you do fit one and also try to fit the locking section, e.g. the extra part that can be use to lock the "D" section to the door.


Double check that there is sufficient room for it when the door is opened only when I checked, I found that if the door would have opened in the wind etc it would probably have punched a hole in the side of the van as I really didn't have enough clearance so double check ??


I do think the "D" section is a good idea together with the secondary locking if you have room for it.


The main point to remember with any locks you fit is that you can still get out of the MH in an emergency, we all should really have a plan that everyone who travels with us knows how and what route they are to take in an emergency,


It may sound like a waste of time but a few minutes to think about the possible situations that could arise and how people could escape may save a life, which could be yours ?? sorry if it scares anyone but it really is important as in the middle of the night pitch black and a fire starts do you and your family know the way out without having to look for keys etc ??



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I've got a couple of Fiamma Safe Door locks on mine. Few minutes to fit and a real detterent. Got one a third from top and bottom. Also got them on the outside locker doors over the locks. Brilliant product and not expensive.
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Hi little Jack

My husband fitted a fiamma handle to our van (a Swift Sundace, end kitchen) which sounds same layout as yours?. he took the sink out and was able to reach over the fridge to fit the lower fitting.£ 100 fitting charge sounds like a dealer mark up . The fitting did not take very long to do and you only need a drill and screw driver.

well worth the fitting very usefull as a handle when the step is high due to being on ramps to level. Also very worth while secruity. we dont put it on when in the van, only when traveling or parked .

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Hi Judge

I have looked at various security locks for our Motorhome for a good while now but I have a problem in that I have a cupboard 30mm from the inside jam of the door. I wanted to fit the Fiama safe door Magnum but could not because of the cupboard problem and even then it would not have covered the door lock completly.


I had toyed with the "D" grab handle but this this would have to have been instaled that high again because of the door jam.


At the pickering show one of the small dealers had the Fiama locks on but also had a " Milenco " security lock simialer to the Fiama safe door lock except the lock slides back and forwards over the door, I could still not fit it over the main door lock, but I have managed to fit it at a senible height. I also think this is a much sturdier lock than the Fiama safe door type and it is also closer to the door.


You can find them on www.milenco.com



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You don't need to fit the Fiamma Safe Door locks over the existng lock. They are supplementary. If they do the main lock they still can't get in.
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There's a whole range of Fiamma security products with the "Safe Door" name. Some are internal dead-bolts (Safe Door Guardian), others - like peter's - are fitted externally. How easy the latter prove to install will very much depend on a motorhome's construction.


For genuine security the Fiamma D-handle device really needs to have a third fastening point on the door itself. This door-fitting is supplied as standard with the Security 46 Pro handle and can be purchased as an extra for the smaller Security 31 and 46 models. I've always suspected that Fiamma D-handles without the door fastening-point could be wrenched clear of the door quite easily, as the design includes an awful lot of inherent leverage and coachbuilt-motorhome construction is pretty flimsy.

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Hi, Derek


I totally agree, but that was the part i refered to above "the door-fitting" when I tried to fit it I found that when the door was fully opened the "door Fitting" actually touched the side panel of the motorhome, and would have punched a hole in the panel if the door swung open quickly, so be warned double check the clearances before you fit the third fastening point on the door itself.


Albeit I do agree that it makes the "D" handle much more secure.




Derek Uzzell - 2008-10-08 10:15 AM


There's a whole range of Fiamma security products with the "Safe Door" name. Some are internal dead-bolts (Safe Door Guardian), others - like peter's - are fitted externally. How easy the latter prove to install will very much depend on a motorhome's construction.


For genuine security the Fiamma D-handle device really needs to have a third fastening point on the door itself. This door-fitting is supplied as standard with the Security 46 Pro handle and can be purchased as an extra for the smaller Security 31 and 46 models. I've always suspected that Fiamma D-handles without the door fastening-point could be wrenched clear of the door quite easily, as the design includes an awful lot of inherent leverage and coachbuilt-motorhome construction is pretty flimsy.

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We bought a Brightlock for our Euramobil almost as soon as we had the motorhome as there seemed to be a lot of talk about security at the time. We don't use it always but feel it makes it look as if we take security seriously and what with a strap across the cab and alarm on we can't do any more.


Needless to say we don't leave it anywhere that doesn't feel right.

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I've fitted the Fiamma Safe Door Guardian deadlocks on my Fiat cab doors and they are easy to fit and very effective. A real deterent is to have internal blinds of some sort. As outsiders cannot lift up the blinds to have a look inside to see who's about. They don't like being surprised by someone with a big stick waiting for them. :D
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