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Have You Seen This Petition


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Please pardon my ignorance but I am unsure of which "Emission Charges" the petition refers to.

Are these the London congestion charges or is the petition aimed at the proposed new levels of VED which motorhomes have, at least so far, escaped unscathed?

If it is the latter then perhaps we do not wish to draw too much attention to this matter?


Best Regards




Edit: I concur with the comment on the spelling!

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Petition ends Thursday 16th October

It is the Emission Zone that I have raised this petition for, as my friends in London have the Zone across their drive and another has it at the end of their road, so they cannot move their Motorhome without paying the £100 in and the £100 out per day.

It is this high fine that I find naughty.

I tried to get the typing error change but No 10 said that once they have accepted a petition (and they don't pass all of them) they cannot change anything.

The letter below is just one example of the many kind people who have written to me.

Please can I ask for one last boost on this as I also have a written petition for members of the MCC who do not have computers and they didn't want to be missed.

I will send that and a copy of the Computer one to Boris and the European Parliament who have always been kind and Emailed to me as well as the Transport Minister.

Thanks to all of you that have shown such a keen interest.


A letter I recieved :-

Thanks for that, we have an 03 reg Kontiki 615 which is compliant until 2012 but won’t be after that, and if Fiat are to be believed (a big IF), cannot be retrograde fitted with a particle filter. But then the regeneration of those filters simply adds to the CO2 in the atmosphere and seems self defeating in that it requires massive amounts of energy and fuel to do it! Where is the environmental sense in that?



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Yes thats where the Petition is, as it was the only place that creates these and every one that signs will recieve an e mail from them when it finishes on Thursday.

The point is (it is my understanding) that the Motorhomes bought this year will come into it when they re-access it in 2012 to 2020.


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Right I cannot change the wording to no 10 but I have copied the Petition

(all 20 pages) to prepare it to be sent to others.

I have been able to correct my Typing errors

If I reword it at this point would this sound better.

I will leave this open to Sunday as I have to send it off Monday



We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Exempt Motorhomes from the new Emission Charges. More details

Submitted by Mavis Nye of Motorhome Caravanners Club – Deadline to sign up by: 16 October 2008 – Signatures: 897



More details from petition creator

Motorhome Owners average Mileage in England is aprox 6,000 per year. We rally at weekends and enjoy holidays around the country.

This Recreation is enjoyed by Families many of whom are retired couples and so we cannot afford this disproportional fines or scrap our vehicles, as advised in many of the articles on the subject. Our carbon footprint is very small compared to Lorries (English or foreign).

Current signatures

Mavis Nye, the Petition Creator, joined by:



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locovan - 2008-10-16 10:44 AM


More details from petition creator

Motorhome Owners average Mileage in England is aprox 6,000 per year. We rally at weekends and enjoy holidays around the country.

This Recreation is enjoyed by Families many of whom are retired couples and so we cannot afford this disproportional fines or scrap our vehicles, as advised in many of the articles on the subject. Our carbon footprint is very small compared to Lorries (English or foreign).

Current signatures

Mavis Nye, the Petition Creator, joined by:



I think you are doing a brilliant job but perhaps these suggestions may clarify the petition:



Motorhome owners average mileage in England is approx 6,000 per year. We rally at weekends and enjoy holidays around the country.

This recreation is enjoyed by families, many of whom are retired couples. Therefore, we cannot afford these disproportional fines or to scrap our vehicles, as advised in many of the articles on the subject.

Our carbon footprint is very small compared to Lorries (English or foreign).

Current signatures

Mavis Nye, the Petition Creator, joined by:



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Thank you so much.


on another forum look what I get


What part of "it is nothing to do with the Prime Minister" do you not understand?

Petition Boris if you like (and I will support you) but the LEZ cannot be changed by the government since they did not introduce it!!



It must appear "proper".


This petition came from the heart and has been something I worked hard on all year.

I have written and recieved letters from people in high office here and abroad and they have all been very kind and explained so much to me.

Anyway it is nearly over.

Regards Mavis


(lol) (lol) (lol)

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Thank you for your support this year.

I had 912 people sign the petition and I have raised a handwritten one with over 150 signatures.

I will now forward these to Boris, London Transport, My own MP Julian Frazier who helped me so much, and The European Parliament and Euro MP's

Thank you again I really have enjoyed meeting such a great bunch of people and hope I have helped in passing on all that was happening in the LEZ as it was being set up.

Regards Mavis (Locovan)


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Re: German Omissions -I have found this about the German Emission


Further exemptions for individuals and businesses

Inside and outside the Emission Zone

(limited use)

For vehicles used for commercial purposes that are driven

No more than 2,000 km per year inside the Emission


For private vehicles that are driven no more than 500 km

Per year inside the Emission Zone.

Drivers must keep a logbook of all journeys inside the

Emission Zone.

The kilometre limits will be checked. If you are granted

An exemption you must present the logbook regularly for

Inspection at Hannover City Council offices. Exceeding

The limit automatically cancels the exemption.

These exemptions apply until 31st Dec. 2009 at the latest;

From 2010 there will be new regulations based on

The legal situation applying then.

Exemptions for single journeys and brief periods

Short-term exemptions can be granted for:

Single journeys e.g. To keep appointments at short

Notice or for a special event,

A brief period e.g. When a resident inside the Emission

Zone wishes to set off from home in his/her motor

Caravan. An exemption can also be granted for a transitional

Period when a new vehicle has been ordered but

Not delivered before the Emission Zone regulations come

Into force.


This is what I will fight Boris on now as lots of our London Members are buying Caravans now to get round this problem


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