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Naturepure-the bugs are back

Guest David Powell

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Guest David Powell
Back in February we[on this Forum]had much discusion about filtering our water. It is time for a rethink as bugs are back in the water in North Wales water. Source not found yet, so everyone told to boil their water, not a thing we want in our motor home water tanks. We filter all our water, including the house water. There are some hair raising tales in the February posts about infected water tanks.
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From todays TV news it seems that raw human sewage had got into the resevoir in Wales. So no suprise it had a few bugs in it. It seems that the poo from birds, ducks, tadpoles, fish etc in the water does not matter as these are common to all resevoirs and I ain't dead yet! Common sence should prevail with fresh water tanks in our RV,s. We eat a peck of dirt before we die. Plus it keeps our imune system working. Enjoy
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Guest Dave Newell
We never drink water from the on board tank we only use it for washing and before any says anything about getting a mouthful during a shower we don't use the shower in the van! We strip wash if no site showers are available. The reason we don't ingest any water from the main tank is simple, its been under the van for 15+ years and we don't know who has put what into it previously. If you leave ordinary tap water in a closed container for a few weeks you will get a growth of algae, not necessarily harmful but certainly unpleasant, so who knows what nasties are lurking in that black hole underneath? We carry a separate 10 litre hand held container (food grade plastic) which we use solely for drinking water and it typically lasts us a couple of days. www.davenewell.co.uk
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Guest David Powell
Yes Dave, things do grow in water in closed containers, I have also been told that if one opens a bottle of bought spring water, it should be closed and kept in the fridge to be safe, as it would no longer be sterile. Like you we do not drink from the main tank, ours is 14 years old, so we don't know who has put in what?
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For those of us who live out in the sticks a bit just think what is lurking in all the pipework of the mains water systems feeding our houses. Having had to replace the incomming main pipe i know what the state of that was, so the rest of it is probably older and contains even more crud. Its not bugs we should normally be worried about but un-natural chemicals. Look at some of the adverts on the Tv nowadays, all these special drinks and whatsist with "friendly" bacteria. Then again how about a nice bit of ripe Stilton cheese, past blue to almost grey fur! But I do admit to knowing everything that has been in our water tank, not only are we the original owners but I also took the tank off and thoroughly cleaned in internally (full of sand!) when I moved it forward by about 2 feet to reduce rear end loading a tad. But as we drink coffee by the bucketfull the water is thus boiled and fruit drinks come straight out of the cardboard box. But I do clean my teeth with it! www.motts.dsl.pipex.com
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We flush the system through at the end of the summer/autumn, and leave a bleach solution in the water tank, until it's time to get ready for Spain in Feb. We have never had any tummy bugs, though a tankful of water lasts us about 7-10 days when travelling, and is used for drinks -hot and cold-washing fruit and salad, cooking and teeth brushing. The water is surprisingly cold when drawn from the underslung tank, even in hot weather.We put that down to a combination of wind/shade keeping things cool.
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Guest Dave Newell
I'm fully aware of the bits and pieces in the mains water supply but that is usually an alnmost continuously flowing feed. All our drinking water in the house goes through a filter anyway as we live in an exceptionally hard water area. Incidentally, prior to installing the filter we had to descale the kettle every five days, since fitting the filter and only using filtered water in the kettle we have never needed to descale it again in over four years! I know many people do drink water, boiled or otherwise, from their main tank and don't have problems. I'm not saying our approach is right, it's just our approach. Our first camper had no water tank and so all water had to be collected in a hand held container. Experience taught us, quite quickly, that 10 litres (two gallons aproximately) was a happy balance between actually being able to carry it and still have enough water for at least a days useage. We simply continued to use the hand held method when we moved up to a camper with on board tank. Dave. www.davenewell.co.uk
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Guest Brian Kirby
Have a search under Certisil. This is the stuff Truma reccommend to clean your water system without wrecking your nice stainless steel Truma water heater. It is available from Miriad Products Ltd of Burton upon Trent, Tel o1283 511883 for details: 01283 528222 to order. Cards over the 'phone OK. There are three products: one to remove algae and bacteria from the tank and hot and cold water systems, one remove odour and lime scale from ditto and one to dose new water, even raw water, that is claimed to maintain it sterile for up to six months should you wish to keep it that long. The resulting water is claimed to be totally safe to drink. Brian
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