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Crossing from France to Spain

starvin marvin

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We're getting ready for our winter jaunt to warmer climes, and beginning to consider routes.


I'm looking at the various crossing points over or through the Pyrennes. We have an aversion to the white stuff, except from a distance and usually from behind glass! and don't want to carry snow chains. How far west can I reasonably expect to be able to go through south west France. We're going to Provence first and won't be going into Spain until around 1st week of December.


Basically I would like to avoid using the usual Perpignan or St Jean de Luz points. Obviously Andorra is out of the question and have looked at St Jean Pied-de-Port to Pamplona. Would that be passable in December? or do I need to be considering the tunnel on the N380 or the tunnel on the Spanish side of the N230, or are all of these out of the question.


Your advice would be welcome.


Finally can anyone advise on a site in/around Cordoba with a good bus link to the sights.

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St Jean Pied le Port is a beautiful pass but personally I wouldn't cross there in the winter.We were there this Spring and it was fine.

I would have thought to guarantee a snow free crossing you need to use either the Med side or the Atlantic side of the mountains.I also think that snowchains are compulsory on the few other passes which are open.

Happy traveling

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Actually I think snow chains, or at least winter tyres, are mandatory in France (and several other EU countries) in the winter. However, although I have actually got some it would be pointless me carrying them because I would never be able to put them on. Don't suppose this would let me off the fine though!


Back to the original query I had the same question and was advised by someone who has lived in the Perpignan area for over 20 years that the pass over to Jonquera (not sure that spelling is correct) is always fine and kept free of snow. However, there are times when even the back of Nice gets snow bound so it would be sensible to check first. You could always wait on the French side until it clears.

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tonyishuk - 2008-10-16 5:31 PM


Coastal Route ? Argeles sur mer, Couillere, Port Vendres Port Bou ?





I have not taken that coastal route for some years now but I seem to rememer it was a bit narrow, always use the Perpignan La jonquara. route.

Never had a problem.


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Again thanks for the replies. I've crossed several types at various times of the year at St Jean de Luz and Perpignan with no real problems, although encountered the white stuff and snow ploughs when going back into France in January one year on the Perpignan route but the French and Spanish were keeping the road very clear with no need for chains.


I guess any other crossing points are out of the question, so St Jean de Luz it will be, a much more interesting route into and across Spain in my view.


Thanks again.

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Hi All,


For anyone entering Spain via A136 (Pto del Portalet) the tunnel near Escarrilla was closed in late May and a single lane, traffic light controlled temporary road went around the mountain,very steep in one part.

Long delays between light changes.



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