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P&O currency rip-off?


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This only concerns a very small amount of money but it just annoyed me.


Returning on P&O from Calais last Sunday, we bought some perfume from the shop. It was £10.52. We had some euros left so I decided to pay in euros. Whether or not a night in the Calais car-park dulled my senses or something else caused my brain to switch off I don't know but it wasn't until later I thought "hang on - they charged 15€+ for that!" They also gave the change in sterling (£3.47) so by the time I'd gone through the mental arithmetic, we were queuing up to go down to the car deck.


However, I reckon we paid, in effect about £2 extra on an item of £10.52 because we paid in euros. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is that or is it not a rip-off?



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GUILTY. Once the rest of the jury has voted, shall we ask the Judge to pass sentence?


Always worth doing the arithmetic before going to the checkout on ferries and other places where they have dual pricing (such as some of the "booze-cruise" shops at Calais). They don't follow daily rate fluctuations (or even weekly ones sometimes!) so there's usually a clear advantage in choosing one curency over another, but it's not always the same way round!



(So you didn't get me a Toblerone then?)

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I always think it strange that folk feel the need to "use up there euros", dont they ever think they will go abroad again ? 8-) put them away for next time to buy the odd drink ect until you can draw out local currency from an ATM.

Use a Nationwide debit / credit card for those cant resist bargains, and get a top rate of exchange. Go on, you know it makes sense. :D

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Guest JudgeMental


Did someone say GUILTY!......You will be taken from here to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until dead....may God have mercy on your soul.


Thats the directors of P&O taken care of, now where are those bank directors..... *-)

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JudgeMental - 2008-10-16 3:16 PM



Did someone say GUILTY!......You will be taken from here to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until dead....may God have mercy on your soul.


Thats the directors of P&O taken care of, now where are those bank directors..... *-)


Pleeeeese Judge, not all bank directors - my "baby boy" (younger son!) has the title on his cards :'( :'( :'(

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Years ago pre Euro i had to drive to Milan for work France/Switzland/Italy at the time the Mt Blanc Tunnel was closed so went via Basle.I had French francs Swiss francs and Italian Liera whilst I was waiting my return at Le Shuttle I thought I would cash in my foriegn money inti sterling that was a big mistake they changed my Swiss and Italian money into French francs and then changed  them into sterling so with their charges and different exchange rates I was left well out of pocket a lesson well learned never to do it a again
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Chas - Yeah; you're right. I don't why I decided to use euros because we are already thinking of laying some more in now in case they get even more expensive. Sigh.....


Martyn - ours was a 9.50am sailing so I'm guessing yours must have been 9.30pm. At least on the way back I had a Costa coffee which, although it cost 2quid+ did at least taste like coffee. On the trip out, I had coffee in the canteen which was like re-heated grey water.


Still, the actual ferry costs weren't bad so, "mustn't grumble".



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catinou - 2008-10-16 3:44 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-10-16 3:16 PM



Did someone say GUILTY!......You will be taken from here to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until dead....may God have mercy on your soul.


Thats the directors of P&O taken care of, now where are those bank directors..... *-)


Pleeeeese Judge, not all bank directors - my "baby boy" (younger son!) has the title on his cards :'( :'( :'(





I think it's very brave of you to admit that at this time - ;-) ;-)

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JudgeMental - 2008-10-16 3:16 PM



Did someone say GUILTY!......You will be taken from here to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until dead....may God have mercy on your soul.


Thats the directors of P&O taken care of, now where are those bank directors..... *-)



I'd start looking in mediterranean yacht marinas first.......... :-|

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Guest JudgeMental
catinou - 2008-10-16 3:44 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-10-16 3:16 PM



Did someone say GUILTY!......You will be taken from here to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until dead....may God have mercy on your soul.


Thats the directors of P&O taken care of, now where are those bank directors..... *-)


Pleeeeese Judge, not all bank directors - my "baby boy" (younger son!) has the title on his cards :'( :'( :'(


Mmmm....considering his age and his connection to your good self.....sentence will be commuted to 500 years and 600 lashes.


God! I'm going soft in my old age! *-)



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Guest JudgeMental
snobbyafghan - 2008-10-16 4:44 PM




I know it was a big ship but I can't believe I missed seeing a moustache like that :-D




Simply because the man is a charlatan! His avatar is a picture of my dear dear friend Salvador Dali.... if you had seen a postman pat lookalike that could have possibly been Martyn.....

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