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Road Tax (VED)


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Have you seen this

Have you seen the new propsals for Road tax VED coming into force Jan 2009 Showroom Tax of £950.00 and Up to £450.00 Road Tax so when a vehicle is new that's what you are going to pay £1400 road tax and then when you buy Secondhand this is a retrospective charge to all vehicles registered on or after 2001

Vehicles registered prior to 2001 will remain on the old VED tax rate


Cant they just leave us alone. >:-) >:-) >:-) :$ >:-)

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Patricia - 2008-10-20 10:44 AM


Heavens above, where did you see these details? My van was registered Feb 2001 so I need to see if I will be affected. If so, France here I come!




Don't panic have a look at http://www.ukmotorhomes.net/motorhome-road-tax.shtml


I wish people would post chapter and verse when they post these things.



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Sorry was I being alarmist but we were looking at this



This is the new band of tax but we found the other article talking about a Showroom Tax (like a Purchase tax ) that is coming in Jan 2009 I know it is a one of Payment at purchase but every time you buy a Secondhand vehicle you will pay this Tax.

The backbenchers are supposed to be in revolt against it


There is another write up here as well


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locovan - 2008-10-20 6:23 PM


Sorry was I being alarmist but we were looking at this



This is the new band of tax but we found the other article talking about a Showroom Tax (like a Purchase tax ) that is coming in Jan 2009 I know it is a one of Payment at purchase but every time you buy a Secondhand vehicle you will pay this Tax.

The backbenchers are supposed to be in revolt against it


There is another write up here as well



If you read it properly it states that it is: Introducing a new first-year rate of £950 for new, high CO2-emitting cars


New vehicles only not secondhand vehciles.

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Thanks for putting me right only they talked about Vehicles so I thought it was all new vehicles.

To be honest there is so much going on with rules for this and tax's for that I cant keep track of it all

They seem to think we have a bottomless pocket.


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Now I appreciate my view won't get many supporters here but it does seem rather silly that cars and what are essentially vans (which form the base vehicles for most motorhomes) are taxed differently when they can produce the same amount of polution/emissions. I am not suggesting motorhome tax should be put up to equal that of cars but all vehicles, including light vans should be taxed the same regardless of the use they are put to.



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Hi, sorry to be a kill joy but there are going to big tax changes within the EU re cars and motorhomes etc.

In germany they are having a new green tax depending on weigh of motorhome, this is on top of their road tax which is 15 euros per 100cc engine size.

In france they are bring back road tax, on all motors producing over 250g imissions. and there is talk off this going to be across the whole car/motorhome bands in the coming years. At present there is no road tax in france.

In Italy they are bring in on the spot finds for any cars etc older then 1997 of 800 euros if found to be producing over the stated CO2 readings.

I don,t no about the UK, but lets get real if they can make more and bigger taxes they will for sure. After all its not them its the eu AND its green so must be good.


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This is getting out of hand!!!!

If they are so adament that cars should be off the road why dont they stop importing and close all showrooms and ban the sale of all vehicles until they produce Electric ones.

NO!!! because Its your money they are after.

Money like oil will run out soon.

8-) *-) :-o :'(

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terry1956 - 2008-10-21 5:08 PM


In germany they are having a new green tax depending on weigh of motorhome

In france they are bring back road tax, on all motors producing over 250g imissions. and there is talk off this going to be across the whole car/motorhome bands in the coming years.

In Italy they are bring in on the spot finds for any cars etc older then 1997 of 800 euros if found to be producing over the stated CO2 readings.

Do you have references for these statements?



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Hi in answer to the above, yes.

I have a house in france and my hymer is on france plates, and so is my 4x4. so it was with interest that I read the report of the latest action being taken in france re road tax. If you go into any French car/motorhome sale room, more so with cars they will all point out what car is going to be taxed and which are not. As I stated this is at the moment based on the CO2being at or higher then 250g, But the french MOT made a big mistake with paying for a discount on smaller cars and the take up was to high so they are looking at a further tax at a lower CO2 band to cover the cost of the discounts.

I read a newpaper in Italy when there, and the full details of on the spot finds etc was in the paper. If you wish to know more, maybe google up new road fines etc, there was also a bit on this on the Italian motorhomes forum.camperonline.it

The german taxes I found out about from a german motorhome mag, which should be about, anyway I am sure details fo this will be on any germany motorhome forum.


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I would prefer to see the official announcements - does anyone have sources?


In the UK the majority of motorhomes are classified in the PLG or PHGV categories, and no account is taken of CO2 emissions. As far as I know there are no plans to change this, even for Type Approved motorhomes where the CO2 figures are recorded on the V5C.



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re the France and Italian taxes, just google for the details. easy.

I have also seen that on my UK V5 the details of 3 gases are given, of what interest would be to the normal car driver I don,t know.

Whats in the pipe line that these fools in power have signed up to I also don,t know. But I bet it will cost us all deal for sure


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Derek Uzzell - 2008-10-22 7:04 PM


Andy C:


The present position is that any UK-registered vehicle described on its registration certificate as being a "Motorcaravan" should fall (without exception) either into the PLG or PHGV class for VED purposes. This will continue to be the case until at least 2012.

Not quite 'without exception' I think. In the case of a type approved N1 or M1 vehicle which was converted into a motor caravan after being registered, the taxation class will be Light goods vehicle (TC39) or Diesel Car (TC49)/Petrol Car (TC48) respectively. This classification will not be altered after conversion.



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We are getting a bit bogged down here :)

N1 is the Type Approval category for light goods vehicles, so if, say, a new Ducato van is placed on the market it will be declared as Category N1 and registered in the light goods vehicle taxation class.

If, however, a motorhome manufacturer buys a new Ducato van before it is placed on the market, then converts it to a motorhome and places it on the market, it will be declared as M1 (Special Purpose), with the body type recorded as 'Motor Caravan' and registered in the PLG taxation class.

What confuses things is when, say, a small volume converter buys a new van that has already been registered, and then converts it. In that case there will be no change to the Type Approval category or the taxation class.


At least that's my understanding of how it works.



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Andy C:


Unsurprisingly - as money is involved - motorhome VED classification has received plenty of forum attention in the past. Rather than repeatedly go over old ground, I suggest you read through the following earlier thread that, I believe, addresses many of the points made here.



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