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Obtaining money from Hungarian ATMs


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Hi Just back from a trip to Budapest. Thought I was soooo smart taking my Nationwide card with me but maybe not so smart after all. The first couple of times I used it without any problem, third time the ATM declined the transaction. Tried several other cards and several other ATMs and the same thing happened. Friends also had similar problems with various cards at various banks' ATMs. The lesson? Always take some cash and keep some in reserve.  Changing travellers cheques was also problematic. For cash English notes only are accepted.  Don't change too much before you enter Hungary as you will get a much better rate when you are there eg I got 302.5 in UK, in Budapest you could get 330/340 without paying commission.  It will be interesting to see my bank staement to see what conversion rate the NW gave me.


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during two long trips to hungary/budapest last year in had absolutely no problems with either of my nationwide cards.

the exchange rate they give is usually v.good, during 5 months in france this year i got a much better rate than any tourist rate quotes i saw either locally or in uk papers. i luv my blue cards!!!

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