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Got a flat tyre ?

Guest Bill Haylor

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Guest Bill Haylor
I witnest today on a TV holiday programme from Reykjavik Iceland, how to inflate a large tyre in one second. I will not describe the action lest I lay myself open to legal claims. It seems the Icelanders take to 'off road' snow as a pastime. They have to de-flate the tyres to app 2lbs pressure for maximum grip by spreading the tyre width. Yes the tyre often detaches from its seating on a tight turn. I had visions of them jacking up the wheel etc, not them. They apply **** and **** and the tyre is instantly inflated, probably even to the correct road pressure. The preesure is dependant on how much **** they apply. Any one intending to drive above the snow line may like to know what they did. Replies by email only. billhaylor2@sagainternet.co.uk
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Guest Dave Newell
Hi Bill, I saw this quite a few years ago on tv when Jezza Clarkson went to Iceland and took an excursion up the glacier. I'm quite happy to say what transpired when a tyre fell into the rim of the wheel. Firstly, and this is important for motorhomers stuck in slippery conditions, they let the tyres down to about 0.5 psi (if memory serves) yes, that low! The low pressur in the tyre allows it to mould itself, quite literally, to the terrain, including ice (I don't think many motorhomers encounter anything slippier) and find sufficient grip to drive a couple of tonnes of 4X4 up verey steep slopes. Anyway, every now and then a tyre pops off and falls into the well of the rim. When Clarkson showed it on tv the driver didn't even stop (they were quite literally crawling up the slope of a glacier) the passenger got out and sprayed liquid lighter fuel into the "off" tyre after a few seconds he introduced a ciggy lighter to the stream of fuel and struck it! BLAMMMMM the tyre instantly re-inflated and was snapped back onto the rim. The passenger got back in and they continued up the glacier. I would not recommend you try re-inflating a tyre with this method (health and safety in this country would have several pink fits) but the important, and useful, part of the story for us is to let your driving wheel tyres down, right down, if you get stuck in soft ground and drive slowly. I've used this method myself many times and it works! Carry a 12 volt compressor to re-inflate when you're back on solid ground and you need never get stuck (for long) again. By the way trials motorbikes and cars have virtually always run very low pressure drive tyres for maximum traction and usually resort to clamping the tyres onto the rims to prevent them coming off. www.davenewell.co.uk
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