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Van Aaken advice wanted

Guest Derek Uzzell

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Guest Derek Uzzell
Don Madge has asked me to try posting the following as he's having problems doing so. ............................................. I've got the Van Aaken (tinyurl.com/dvala) smart box fitted to my Ducato. Can anybody answer the following questions please. Do you leave the smart box on the vehicle when it's serviced? If so has there been any problems? Did you discuss the smart box with the service people beforehand? I'm concerned that if I have to have the vehicle worked on whilst abroad what could happen if the box is still in situ. I've got another seven months to run on the warranty. The third year of the three year warranty does not cover very much anyway. It's greatly reduced after the first two years. Thanks Don
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Strictly off the record Don! Any mods that enhance the performance must be informed to your insurance company and formerly acknowledged. Vehicle warranty - well - er - I suggest you remove it before it goes in for service work. I am sure thay will say "No Problem" if you tell them about it but if the engine goes belly up or the 5th gear gives out your Smart box is bound to be the cause of the problem. Good luck
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Guest Don Madge
Clive, Insurers have OK it and the box did come off when it went in for servicing. After 33000+ miles in 2.5 years I'm hoping the fifth gear problem will not occur. It's a bind at times having to do fifty to get into fifth gear but I'd rather that than the lowere fifth fitted to some vans now. After exchanging mails with a lower fifth owner we both decided a fifth gear somewhere in between the two options would be ideal. Regards Don
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Don, Clive has it exactly: any such fitment will invaidate the warranty (which is one of the reasons they're made easy to remove) and also your insurance unless you get the insurer's premission, as I see you wisely did! A question: what has the box done for your vehicle, and how has it affected mpg?
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Guest Don Madge
Mel, After having the Van AAken smart Box fitted to my Timberland in April I decided to do a fuel consumption check on our 4200 mile trip around the Iberian Peninsula. We normally cruise at about 90/100 KPH (usually the van is fully loaded 3300kgs) and with the cruise control set we found that we did not have to change down for the hills which we would have expected to have change down on before the box was fitted. I tried to keep an accurate check when refueling, It's difficult at times when you are trying to fill the tank right to the brim. The 4200 miles on the continent returned the following:- Overall 33.08 MPG Best 36.25 MPG Worse 27.73 MPG On a previous trip to France (1400 mile) before the Smart box was fitted our overall MPG was 30.34. I must point out the smartbox was fitted for convenience rather than fuel economy. We have got to the stage in life now where we don't charge about anymore, well not often anyway, we also practice defensive driving. We have both found that our reactions are not what they used to be. I have been driving world wide since 1952 and Maureen since 1967. We consider the smart box money well spent. We use the van a lot (30,000 miles in two years) mainly on the continent. I spoke to my insurers before the work went ahead and they were quite happy. Don PS How you getting on with the new van?
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